
Beats By Dre Power n the heaven and ear

A nap in .relationresultHisboundless too Saint immediately understand what happened, but the road to inaction almost sage also not angry ,just saying : my things ,it is a little man can understand, or if you want to see ,let you have a look ,it is Wen Chao Xi dead you can carry on ,a mortal life visit Avenue trajectory should also be without shame .
Said to brandish a lower bound to hit ,however ,then closed his eyes ,and his supreme Avenue to .relationresultNiu Benshulooked exactly as it was recorded on the content, control oneself in the Daodejing, is as like as two peas ,what is it good for learning ,if this is the cultivation method, the earth is a Taoist immortal .
Going to the ox said let it man to another ,Beats By Dre Power,see supernatant recorded and unleashed a blue bull run ,Shu heart suddenly with the light to a world of chaos .relationresultI seein this world, everything is so vague ,darkness can ,Niu Ben Shu is surprised at what is this place ,how little things can not see ah .
Intention of looking for direction, but Niu Ben Shu found regardless of their own efforts are not clear how the four corners of the world .At this moment ,Niu Ben Shu found a big egg ,the egg is a bull run Shu visible speed dehiscence ,a giant from the egg .
Niu Ben Shu and the giants to greet ,but no matter how he loudly ,the giant always ignore ,like not to listen .See the giant and I do not know where to take an ax ,bull run Shudun was reminiscent of a giant status -- God pangu .
relationresultDoes healso through to the day before ,not ,not through ,so that she was the day when the memory of who ,on ,so I recorded record is on Avenue memory and experience ,they should be clearly recorded in the world .
Often see the fiction of bull run Shu but know ,the expert is primitive cattle ,that a day when memories ,a road running track, so whether or Shifadoubi practice was much stronger, this is probably what Shun is easy ,one person work .
He wants to become strong, the opening-day memory but a hundred years rare ah no, is a million years rare .Think of here of bull run Shu no longer make blind and disorderly conjectures ,but to be absorbed in watching the Pangea day after .
See that Pangu God axe ,split the chaos ,Beats By Dre Justbeats,watching the axe trajectory ,Niu Ben Shu feel a kind of understanding in the heart, but to ask what he learned ,he felt nothing .With Pangu axed open chaotic world, clear gas rise ,evolution of day ;turbid air sinking into the earth .
Pangu giant standing between the heaven and earth to stop world coincide, Niu Ben Shu feel time is slow ,what he sees is Pangu God more and more long body .Finally ,when heaven and earth forming time, Pangu God fell, and his breath became the spring breeze and cloud and mist ;the sound became thunder; his left eye became the sun ,right into the moon ;hair and moustache stars so .
Niu Ben Shu mind slowly lost in a world of evolution ,lost ,and it is difficult to extricate themselves .Lost in the Boulevard Niu Ben Shu yourself don who is now ,like this, Niu Ben Shu spirit will never indulge in the Boulevard ,the final result is suitable for road rules ,dissipated in between heaven and earth .
This is Lao said Wen Chao Xi die meaning ,Niu Ben Shu a mortal, look at this thing ,that is one year old baby play with a bomb ,no doubt .Cow because they do not know the inside risk ,also feel to bull run Shu as gift ,but he didn Mr.
Niu Benshu did not let him kill the poor .relationresultWith thebull run Shu living there is standing there ,lying on a cow is also found in the bull run Shu was ,from the ground up ,but look at the dull bull run Shu and glittering with glittering shine clearly recorded ,Laoniu can not knowing what to do ,even before he got ,but now it a talking cow .
As the cow when anxious .The bull run Shu throw at the gate after the black tripod in the Taiqing recorded light actuation ,and sends the endless black gas, and rotated from the tripod ,each turn ,grew bigger ,also do not know this tripod rotation number circle ,when the cow discovered it, the tripod has become higher than a man .
Although the Tao is a prehistoric monster holy cow ,but also did not experience this strange thing .While the old thinking is it right? First stop the tripod was changed to a larger ,the black tripod and from the sky ,fly to the Niu Ben Shu above ,the cow was terrified, the tripod to smash down the stretch of the bull run ,there is no life .
But the big black Ding Shu from bull run above three feet stopped ,hanging in the air the tripod cast a black ,straight to the bull run from Shu ,Beats By Dre Studio.The black transiently invade the Niu Ben Shu ,and to occupy the Niu Ben Shu face of a part of the site ,the Taiqing .
Seeing this, as is seen from the book as my friend ,automatic gush a spar ,and black for away .relationresultIntwo light contention ,Niu Ben Shu is like Sichuan face ,while a dark blue .
Let old looking terrified ,want to protect the Niu Ben Shu ,but his own loss ,it is also useless .Can only silently in the heart of the support of bull run Shu ,in addition to this ,old comrades can not do anything .
The supernatant were recorded again after only Saint cattle writing a book ,with limited energy ,while black tripod is not the same ,this guy birth day prior to the innate Lingbao ,itself has the power, it is a small half the Taiqing recorded can be resistant to the .
In the tripod step by step ,at the start of the supernatant majestic-looking record be unable to resist sustain the blows ,suddenly turned into the light, dissipated ,and Lao in book one tract of the seed ,then make a light ,just to tavatimsa to ,but Lai Shirong easily go hard, the tripod and making a black awn ,holding off light way, not willing to kill anything light ,can throw into the Niu Ben Shu ,the tripod see light input of bull run Shu ,also a moment into the bull run small Shu head does not see .
relationresultThischange in addicted to Avenue Niu Ben Shu ,was a came from nowhere and by the black light ,see that a black temporally destroy avenue the evolution of heaven and earth ,all from the return to the chaos .
Niu Benshu at this time through the world ,something not feel into their hearts .relationresultThe eighth chapter black tripod power , relationresultAlong withthe black tripod into the Niu Ben Shu head ,had shocked the old saw terrified originally stood motionless Niu Ben Shu suddenly five air hunkered down in the ground ,like the lotus flower opening and closing finger ,demonstrate the profound traces together .
With the bull run Shu finger pinch ,see from the air was a unit from the top into the Niu Ben Shu Qi in vivo ,and saw a black oil and gas gushing out of the ground ,from bull run Shu foot into the bull run Shu body ,with the voiced / unvoiced two gas influx, old feel Niu Benshu more and more blur .
The old ox road was amazed : I have seen the Taiqing recorded Yuen small grandfather practiced ,not like this . Want to know since kept open since, both monster or celestial being is drawn between heaven and earth Reiki practitioners, the absorption of gas exchange to explain ,but the foul air is anything ,even the experienced old says to not be clear about .
relationresultIndulge in thecultivation of Niu Benshu did not hear the old to oneself ,just according to their own understanding on the avenue runs a voiced two two gas in his body by different routes in the meridians run into in vivo within ,voicing the gas at the meridian running was compressed into a pure black two clock liquid really yuan ,eventually into the bull run Shu . Related articles:

