
Artist Series ks to the counter

Network station ,the sum of the seemingly simple ,but also be graffiti ,but let Li Wei start to admire Zhao Lei family ,with the laws of mathematics contact pattern ,but also independent support one army designated regional independence for the warlord ,illustrates its manpower and the strong force .
relationresultThe 350th Festival , relationresultThe gentleman is to stay ?! The store sat languidly with armchair fan her a man to see someone comes into, rose swiftly .relationresultWell !Hotel !Six people ,! Li Wei walks to the counter ,this is Zhao contact point, no longer need to arrange the false Ding Heyang butler .
relationresultLi Weimomore than 10 silver dollar ,said: is a prepaid rent ! With the silver dollars on the counter .relationresultOkay ,uh ! Old shopkeeper is trying to hand drop silver inventory, suddenly found there is a silver dollar is actually only a half ,I face a flick of the eyebrow ,look still did not turn a hair from his skirt ,fished out a silver dollar ,was also a half ,on the counter a slight shift ,happened with Li Weizhua out of the dollar in the wire slot ,is a silver dollar into two halves ,are together .
relationresultOld shopkeeperLi Wei no more see a pedestrian, several other silver dollars ,toward the septum adjacent the door and shouted: well !The tiger band the guests to the e word ,not words ,word three room g .
Li Wei was the only one to see old shopkeeper quietly together the silver dollar buckle in the palm .relationresultCome ! Wearing white Khan gown shop boys from the aisle ran out ,go to Li Wei a few people before, hand toward the aisle and said: ,please come with me .
, relationresultDonthe little inn big, inside the guest can be many, leaning against the door cast Mei my sisters ,pugnacious looks open skirt punk ,people have all kinds of people ,while the flames of war ,looking for opportunities to make money mixed-food .
relationresultSir, have fun ?! A gorgeously dressed woman suddenly from the aisle one out ,giggle and flirt to make a tempting hook fire appearance, stopped at the store behind the front man Ding Heyang .
relationresultIt isa member of Ding Heyang hero sad beauty ,where had seen this kind of weaponry ,the face turned green ,recoiled in horror ,desperately waving said: no, I don have fun .
Fear back slowly, be in front of the tiger a bite to eat .relationresultDing Heyang wasno loyalty to Li Wei behind him, I really do not know that he usually shouted slogans to charge in front ,maintaining momentum where to fly to ,is clearly betrayed his comrades bad behavior .
relationresultSee Ding Heyangas seen from a ghost ,the woman also focus on the be the first to bear the brunt of the body of Li Wei .Waving a towel ,charming smile: handsome little man ah ,are interested in playing with my sister ?!My sister is not you received the money .
, relationresultIf a,not only Ding Heyang ,cheap beats,even Li Wei behind the four warrior face turned ,Goodfellas ,lose .relationresultLi Weiis like a thing ,look at next look, see the woman heart straight hair ,then shook his head and said: well !Looks seventy ,bust eighty .
Bad shape .Waist forty points, good to lose weight ,hip sixty branch .Age well, than I am, I did not love her addiction ,comprehensive score of sixty-five !Tut-tut !Beauty in general ,but not to my taste ! , relationresultDing Heyang and the fourfighter group turned up the whites of his eyes ,it was defeated by Li Wei ,a small plum this guy really is implacable and inflexible.
Man ,I don him ,cheap beats by dre.But what is? !relationresultSeveral nearbyroom of people at the door on the prowl glance ,a laugh and laugh .relationresultThe womanopened the mouth ,she is following a blush to seduce people words by Li Wei wall back .
Flirtatious expressions of some coagulation ,turned from white to red ,anger, her first time to be in the group was so injured all over the body ,akimbo pointing to Li Wei nose, open to scold: you a kid ,death ! , relationresultLi Wei wasterrified ,this woman is a SAPO talent, a sharp scolding words without repetition ,Bimake Qin heavy machine guns rapid-fire ferocious firepower .
relationresult... ... , relationresultItsuddenly came the elongated and strange sounds ,the inn all look neat one variable ,the woman immediately live mouth ,turned into the house ,closing the door a sturdy ,and watching other people around the same look flustered retracts the house .
relationresultHow.Ding Heyang strange the reaction .relationresultAir raid ! Li Wei and the store man all with one voice ,voice, when I heard a loud bang bang ,a seismic ground shaking .
relationresultThe guests ,please don ,Artist Series!This bombing is often the case, we here relatively remote location ,not worth Japanese throw down ,please do not panic ,advanced rooms to rest ! The clerk was relatively calm, not much flurried ,seems to have experienced so many things ,be accustomed to .
relationresultAnd itis also a loud noise and ground vibration, like enemy planes dropped a close ,even on the roof of Pi Pi Baba jumped on some of the rubble, was far from flying debris of buildings fall down .
relationresultTheabnormal loud machine guns for anti-aircraft machine gun ,should be in the return air Japanese planes ,and air raid sirens to howl ,let people vaguely feel like to have a fall on his head .
relationresultIn the * *to in the Japanese air raid is not too much ,not its Japanese money to throw to field edge of a field ,and * * armed distribution ,not much worth bombing targets ,air raid alarm horn in addition to important sector is seldom set ,typically most single even the air defense weapons are not, so Ding Heyang for Xinxiang County air defense alarm ,temporarily to react ,and Li Wei was once in the watch TV too much .
relationresultJapaneseaircraft propeller noise audible, near and far ,ground and air gun sound can be heard without end ,dropped several pieces ,the Japanese planes very act recklessly and care for nobody in Xinxiang county over the ground to the bursts ,but before the loud anti-aircraft machine gun sound mute off unexpectedly is general ,can imagine back.
* * soldiers have been killed .relationresultThe cityand county of almost no back firing against the air gun ,regardless of is the * * or * * ,in the absence of air defense weapon support ,regular combat units are not on fire ,avoid getting crazy revenge exposed the Japanese fighter planes fighting department ,prevent the cause more casualties is between the two sides of the army consensus .
relationresultLi Wei theynow understand tavern in air-raid alarm sounded ,not escape to the outside to avoid, but instead hide in the house, the Japanese while not determine what time threw, but always is only then several pieces, while the Japanese fighter planes strafe the gun is usually sweep ,the house and the wall as cover, and ran out of the house that is Japanese fighter maneuvering target .
relationresultAsthe sky propeller unique roar gradually disappeared ,in Xinxiang County, a Japanese fighters over the raging march off ,air raid warnings were sounded for a long period of time after the quiet ,like a deadly Japanese fighter overran Xinxiang County Street ,appears again a figure ,in addition to being collapsed houses still burning, nearby residents and pass by the army and the people spontaneously mining ruins ,searching for survivors ,the county seat in the other party still continues bombardment before the people activities ,devils much fierce day again ,then .
relationresultThere seems no peace ! Sitting room escape the Japanese army fighter Ding Heyang some have a lingering fear patting chest ,here is not a base plane ,devils ,as long as men Related articles:

