
Beats By Dre In Ear is to still keep kee

King also drive Li Yuan and this suddenly an ask a bit stunned speechless, lead very in a short while, this just soft-voiced answer way:"That be not what kid, he would is five emperor sub- his highness!Is also now his majesty is most emperor's son of doter!"
Five emperor does the son win sheep?Li Yuan and some dare not believe ground to hope to that face ascend childish manner don't take off of kid, think of in the city south the city meet of ten thousand and Sun Jia's sons, immediately feel own head a bit not enough to use.Such a kid, unexpectedly also want to participate in to battle out an emperor of among the conflict?All say that the kid of poor people early takes charge of, what is that this emperor Wang Jia's kid regarded as?
Looking at Li Yuan and this peculiar facial expression, king also right away understand Li Yuan and is just thinking what.However the front is to win really, some words, king also not like in this time to Li Yuan with say, right away would was by hand elbow to depend near Li Yuan with, signaling hint these affairs to treat will explain with him again.Li Yuan and glimpse front of win a true empress to carry on the back, just head lightly location order.
But this time, win strict and win sheep 2 people have already walked to Luo cold coffin Guo in front, win strict the Chan winning the sheep at pushing away hand his/her own hand and slowly walk to coffin Guo side.Stretch out a hand slightly to tap on the coffin Guo, seem is tapping the shoulder of old friend that more than a year didn't see, win strict slightly say:"I say old Luo!Only think, how many years has it been since we had don't meet?The boon, the boon, has already had a livelong decade!"
The time that says till the last a words, win strict of the orotund beginning Be some to sob, the hand of that rap coffin Guo starts becoming slowly petting, and win strict vision to also start becoming a bit stagnant.The facial expression that sees him imitates a Buddha and is recalling what and win strict immediately and longly say:"With you met for the first time, that still just the emperors of 25 year agos all, we were all so young in those early years, you said that you wanted to get a world troops and horses generally, was my big Qin to go on expedition everywhere!"
"With while meeting for the second time, you are already 15 year agos, the emperors all subjugated at that time forthcoming.You originally want to lead emperors all of the city guard the soldier puts together with those different clan battalions to kill, is that I blocked you, since that day, you decide to help me.In fact I know, your in the mind in fact always all in penitence, regret having ed never left for with those the war allies of yours together and generously dead in those early years!"
Win strict voice be full of emotion, said the black As will get a rim of eye very red, have several a little bit a little bit younger of, even have already started wiping off tears.Winning is strict but is continue to say:"At present I already expensive is Lord of the country, I at the beginning once promised, I if gentleman, you then take charge of the world soldier's right, but this promises me but is always have never carried out.Until now, while still remembering that at the beginning you leave Bian city to go to city in the south of city my scene!You once said, you in the city south the city wait and wait one day I make you lead troops the time of Northern Expedition .But, you didn't wait until this good heavens!"
"The emperor of the father didn't be too sad!"Five emperors the son win sheep to win the strict rim of eye at seeing to also have some to flush and hurriedly come forward conciliation, " Luo's general dies for the country, after being us Qin Guo's hero, the father emperor can treat kindly the wife and children of Luo's general and also be regarded as a repair to Luo's general!"
"!Sweetly?Are you to say sweetly?"Has been won sheep this reminds, win strict seem this just thinks of Luo cold there is still in the Bian city one female, right away and then once turned body, towarded to follow behind of inside wait on to drink a way:"The aim idea that spreads me!Since today, I will accept the Luo is sweetly an adopted daughter!Combine to set up formally her as princess He in a sky!"
Win strict this aim idea just for a while, that inside wait on to all haven't come yet and message of reply,Beats by Dre BMW, listen to the shot dozen of a burst of metal voice, those several black A will get all toward winning strict knelt down.The bushy beard for taking the lead will get a rim of eye red, toward to win strict embrace a boxing to say:"The end replaces etc. commander in chief, thank my emperor's special kindness!My emperor is long live!Is long live!Ten thousand long live!"
"My emperor is long live!Is long live!Ten thousand long live!"The black As that will get after death in that bushy beard will get to also all follow to drink a way, and all toward winning strict knot to fructify on-the-spot Ke 9 ring a head.Win sheep to hurriedly come forward, a per ground will get these black A to hand, and slow winning of one step really at this time also can be the figure that wins the sheep at lookinging at to hate gnash teeth in hatred.
However these black A will get is not a simpleton either,cheap beats by dre, at see is win after sheep hand they, they are backward to all shrink an one step, lowered the head to win sheep to mean gratitude.Then then a s all backed a part, this was to definitely mean that oneself has no because the performance that just won sheep, but win the sheep at going and living with to there go, but is win the sheep at letting not from get one Leng.
Pour is win strict see those black with the canthus A will get of behavior, the flash across in eye is one air of silk satisfaction, but didn't also reveal, just wiped to wipe a canthus of moist, toward the imperial guards that he brings to say:"The aim idea that spreads me!The coffin Guo that escorts Luo's general goes into city!Along the road regardless officer's people, all kowtow to mutually face!"
"Re!"Those imperial guard should a ,Beats By Dre In Ear, then and directly ran tenth, imperial guard, these imperial guards then will pack cold coffin Guo of Luo a while of wagon to rounded, then looking at them to stretch out a hand at the same time, directly stretched the underneath of the coffin Guo.
"Rise!" Listen to an imperial guard for taking the lead suddenly and violently drank a , tenth, the imperial guard delivers dint at the same time and unexpectedly raises this as heavy as several hundred coffin Guo Gao highland.But the face of those imperial guard soldiers up, but is to still keep keeping a facial expression with quiet look, seem to carry on the shoulder in their arm of, isn't several hundred catties of coffin Guos, Be just a few heavy slips.
And win at this time strict also at inside the Chan waiting on hand bottom, re- ascended wagon, he towards to drive of the that gold A warrior drink a way:"Drop to turn a car head!Today, I want to open a new road for Luo's general in person!"
That gold A warrior but is have no hesitant, at win strict under after reaching order, see his hands once the bridle pull, eight black horses of that front sent out a hoarse to blare at the same time, and the darling ground drops to turn Ma Shen.Chien the simple list ground is huge this eight harness horse the car dropped an in the city gate, it is thus clear that the this gold A warrior controls the skill of wagon to absolutely call up Be getting more superb!
But at this time, at three emperor the son win really nearby, Wang Qiong walked forward a small step, win the really small voice at towarding to say:"The his highness, whether we want to have to mean, can not let five emperors the sub- his highness boughted so public to go to!"
Winning is true but puts to have a hand right away, shook to shake head, the complexion complicatedly said:"Not!We can not move now!This time we and the conflict of of eldest brother see to is already to disturb a father emperor, the father emperor is obviously very dissatisfied, so we now want to do of, be don't do anything!As for is old five, hum!Isn't me the be an elder brother of despise him!If is old four words, perhaps still really have what effect, he is a scholar of Mo that dance a text lane all day long, how may win those once was born into a dead war on the battlefield will of loyal!"

Advertise for to fight the battlefield chapter 54 to live abroad a bore mansion
Renew time:2010-2-2213:26:12 chapter word numbers:3953

"Li Lao Di!Li Lao Di!Did you get up?"King also loudly shout voice the in addition Be a burst of to violently knock on door a voice, but is let the Bian city street in morning from secluded some quarrel.The cellular phone quickly reads:The w à p is .1 ⑹κ x ses.The c OM writing version head delivers
"Come!Come!"On ringing out old voice, close behind, listen to"Zhi ah" is a , the red paint front door is slowly opened, in the center peeped out one from two doors full is the old face of crease, that old face at see a king also behind, but is to peep out one silk wry smile, say:"Indeed as expected is general king!Good heavens!General king, you have mercy on old Nu I!Pleasing to come to knock on door hereafter don't so loudly!If bothered a master rest Related articles:

