
Facebook 异时空之狗头军师_387

Number hand, way:"Issue on order, withdraw troops."
Immediately after, he sighed tone, to the public way:"We also return to tidy up for a while and return to."
The Di is Anna's one Zheng, way:"Return to, go where?"
Leaf breeze way:" Bring back west Ni is second.Also prepare at the same time for a while.Believe again lead soon, elder statesman's hospital requests to send emissary the Jia adjust to make too much and then will send to."
Once Anna of the Di knit the brows, way"you how can anyone know, not is say an elder statesman did inside no man in hospital govern?"
Leaf breeze way:"Stop worrying.Now that Qin that old headman have been already said'do not pull for Su to wipe a bottom.'That is to say, Su pulls this time is soon die.Want ~only him one dead, Qin that old headman sat to look back mutually while willing sign, when the time comes be not no man govern.Furthermore say, have the commentary of that world first strong soldier of Hannibal, only let us go to in person heel Jia too the person negotiate just can display our sincerities~!"
Di Anna sneered at a , hold hands Ga Pa the Pa make to ring, way:"Is also good, I also just thinking go to Jia and like a knowledge too much for a while the defences there, seeing them can hold up my armor Long Ji Bing's thunderbolt one shot~!"
The × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
"Pour water, pour water.The hurrying up pours hot water for me~!"A old voice through inside very hot white fume in bathroom, spread out.
A few shape slave with high big and strong muscle carries water pail and in a hurry ran to come in.They pour the hot water in the hand inside among the public baths of marble.
Feel the hot water in pond stimulates a skin, sighing of a satisfaction rings out in the building.
Listens to a burst of water ring, a skull of pallor explored from the fume successful in career.
Su pulls that terrible face to appear at their at present.
The energetic and daring compared with at the beginning, he was already old a lot of, a face makes disgusted worthless scoundrel of people and blood Ba.Because is trapped to round by nightmare, he has been suffering from insomnia for a long time in the last half year, the whole individual seems to be tired, crack-up but pain and sufferings.That terrible disease almost sucked dry all of his energies.
Then the only very hot hot water can allow him to temporarily forget skin up that drills nipping Yang of heart painful, let him is calm last several minuteses.
His Mi rises eyes and looking at to steam in the bathroom the Teng rises of water fog, fondle from the set in the hand west the Si temple of the gods robbed of pure gold idol, don't feel and sink into to contemplate in the middle, recall arise from F led troops east to advertise for scene for begging for west in those early years.
Be like have already foreseen to own dead to expect will come, be like all somebodies similar, he has already started writing he's memoirs now.But because of the reason on the literary grace, his memoirs writes even see oneselfs not to descend to go, again because his gasconade, but would not like to let a person generation pen.
At this time, a slave walked to come in.He kneels to pour at Su pull nearby, way:"Kindness but all-powerful host, you want of the young girl came."
Su pulls a while from the pond in stand, connected a track:"Send to come in quickly and quickly.Show me, beautiful?"
That slave bent the body to stretch hand to hand Su to pull, the Chan said with smile:"Stop worrying, my host.It is very beautiful,google."
The Mi for Su to pulls sign has eyes, the color Mi Mi ground smiled.Experienced under the city of that suffers utter defeat, he can up find back some confidence from this just now.Otherwise this power Qing temporarily big guy also can't Zong feeling color, must ascend that kind of disease.
Listens to a burst of step voice ring, a young girl with graceful shape walked to come in and was dressed in very thin light yarn on of her body, under the shining in glory of candlelight, the minute particle finishes now,cnn.Grow breast Gao Ting, lovely curve, the skin is snow-white, know on seeing to is an unique color beauty.
Su pulls the crease of that full face all crowded at together.He smiles happily ground to beckon with the hand a way:"Is quick come, little baby.Arrive my nearby."
That young girl Qiao smiled to sweetly promise a , slowly walk to public baths edge.Hesitated for a while, see to flank of that still station beside of slave.
Su pulls to turn a head to see that slave to stare continuously ground to stare at that young girl, the saliva of corner of mouth connects to become a front line, all soon drop arrive floor on.
Su pulls to explode with rage and lifts a leg one feet to kick that slave to turn over in the ground.Loudly scold a way:"Roll, roll quickly~!Is this your this son of a bitch to literally see?"
That slave's Alas! one falls on the ground up, then pull at Su of lambaste a voice in, put tail between legs like the dog of funeral house, urgently and hotfoot ran to go out.
Su pulls at his after death and loudly call a way:"You are this son of a bitch~!Master I don't call, you forbid to come in.Have been already heard?"
That also not the time ground ran to go out and in a hurry closed the door.
Su pulls to get angry with ground to scold a way:"The mean dog Zai of this not refined number son~!"
He becomes overdo and made change again while signing a smiling face, to that:"Is quick come, my little darling.Time is precious."
That young girl looking at Su to pull the time body on the body of swollen pack of, hands' carrying on the back is after death still keeping smiling to shake to shake head.
Su pulled to row two to enter water and walked in the past, the color Mi Mi ground the experienced person that stretched out that to spread all over blue vein, touched delicately raise a hip to that young girl powder, way:"You come quickly, my little darling."
That young girl carried to retreated 2 and said with smile:"I am not~!"
Su pulled to sigh 1 and ordered the nose of pointing at that young girl, way:"You are still true very naughty, however master I like."
Say, the old man who can is a grandpa for that young girl hard climbed out from Shui-li and hobbled ground to walk to pass by.
That young girl eye neutral flash across together naked.
One Zheng for Su to pulls sign,Facebook.Carefully stop next step, cold track:"What person are you actually?"
That young girl a captivating smile, stretch hand from the beginning and up pull out next a long thin silver needle.
Su pulls not from retreated an one step, harsh voice way:"What are you actually?Do you want to do what?"
That young girl comes forward an one step and smilingly pulled to recruit to beckon with the hand to Su, way:"You come~!Come over quickly."
Su pulled to back an one step again backward, the panic ground every where looked about, way:"You ……you don't come over~!Is quick ……"
That young girl sees Su pull to want loudly call person, come forward an one step while signing, cold in the hand only one Shan stab to Su pull of throat.
Su pulls to stretch hand desire to block, but the old warrior that once was a veteran warrior because Zong feeling the color Tao did body, the artistic skill was slow one step.
Once that young girl finger turn, that silver needle stabs to go into behind from his ear, until have no root.
Su pulls whole body one Jiang, a words also can not say it, throat inside the voice that can send out Luo Luo ring.
That young girl sees the ear that Su pull unwilling air in eye and put sort a captivating smile such as the fresh flowers Nu, attach at him, soft-voiced way:"The Si benefit Pu adult and each elder statesman adult says hello to you~!"
This book head delivers.
Your message which afraid just a (*__*), will become the power that the author creates, the pleasing is hard more power to you for author!

The text chapter 263's returning to west Ni is second
Renew time:2009-1-2022:22:00 chapter word numbers:3665

In Norman history, ascend go to high ministers of rank emperor king, next to the ragtag, evaluation of owner to promise Man elder statesman the elder statesmen in the hospitals BE-garbage, a help be spent money by the common people to keep, and is full to have no a matter to do every day, will ask for trouble with others of garbage.Head the garbage that delivers like a swine.
But take a wide view history, they but for the promise Man sign next numerous eminent contributions.Is every when the promise Man experiences the crisis of life and death alive or dead of, is exactly this to help the garbage the back for standing to have promise Man a person.
BE setting up early city, north ground great king rate when the soldier take the offensive promise Man under the city, is exactly this to solidify one heart for garbage and beat off the barbarian's tidewater to wildly offend.
When that promise Man sets up a city the blood finally descendant deceit male Ba female, toss about the whole empire foul air the people resent seethe of, is exactly also this to get up for garbage incorporation, pull out in disorder anyway, will that great of emperor Wang Gan come off stage.
When more than 100 year ex-, the promise Man is strong, when all enemies are allied to put together to take the offensive it together, is exactly their insight to know a person, selected the generation heroic Di gram many, lead their Lien Chan to connect Jie.
But just horizontal Di grams overflowing on that day are much rose, hug a soldier self-respect of, beginning to oneself that noble of the bottom put at tallest Related articles:

