
Artist Series a mansion afraid o

Especially master ……"
A few old men warm and affectionately start beating since receive, master master, each other of respectfully call to linger in the ears.
Yang Yang feels the skin of head become numb, favour way:"Is each, now be not chat ground time, we still keep leaving quickly."
", Summer Luo especially master, this is ……"
"Is each, I come to introduce for a while, this is the Yi benefit second master, I think,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com, you definitely and early once listenned to his name!I say with you, recently I am to cooperate a reading with him ……"
"Cough ……" Yang Yang helplessly pulls a few masters, way:"Please, we hurry Shan, listen to, someone came!"
A heavy step voice rings out in the cellar, a few old men hear, this just the facial expression Be tiny to change, the darling shuts up.
"Yi benefit second master, how do we do now?"
Hear that, a few old men all the panic get up, they involuntarily thought of those catch them to come of, facial expression ferocious monster, not from all the facial expression is metal gray, a burst of panic, be imaginable, they lead here how not pleased.
"Ha ha ……" Yang Yang's pouring is inattentive, Be just self-confident tunnel:"Summer Luo especially master, you just not is ask I how arrive at here of?You will know that now, how come how return to Bai."
Finish saying, Yang Yang starts turning over the Zhang of seeking the distant journey right away.
"I depend, just come a ground of time too late laided by and then fainted!"Yang Yang depressedly thinks a way:"Must drive that
The clan picked up to go to!I ground good heavens, I ground best space crystal stone ……"
Being depressed to return is depressed, Yang Yang still keep soon calming down.Took out another thing from the space ring.
"E, is this what things?"
"Is each, this is to return to city spooler!Quickly, one person is a , you open it and use the spirit land productivity's quantity guide to the feeling Wu, reads voodoo, voodoo is ……"Yang Yang quickly return to city spooler to distribute.
"It is really severe.Yi benefit second master, I ask myself in the sorcery realm and immerse Yin for several years, but also ……"the summer Luo see that especially like parchment book generally the spooler up depict a difficult to understand and matchless sorcery, not from feel deeply about again.
"Good good, summer Luo especially master, you use it."Yang Yang presses a way.
The heavy step voice concusses to ring in the hallway, Zhi ah 1.The wood door out of the palisades opened.
See the illegal party sort of a group of portrait round outside the prison building, that figure is also foolish for a while.
"Mankind!Unexpectedly dare to escape!"
The sky of the earthquake is huge to ring in the cellar to ring out, the public one flusters, the favour started the spooler in the hand, the air glow-in-the-dark once handed over, and everyone's figure disappears at first.
"Mess, I didn't attend to I."Yang Yang by this time just discovers.Just attends to distribute to everyone once city spooler, oneself didn't ready to, the eye sees blunt to come up of cow head monster, he cans not helps inwardly wry smile:"Mama of ……this bottom be have no Qiao not to become a book, I was how can so careless."
The cow head monster sees a few old men disappear, immediately great anger, it ground the eye pupil in a flash became terrible of blood-red color, the strength of the one regiment oddity jumps on the eye.The flame looked to be like to jump.
It Gao Gao raised a flame chain within hand hammer, but suddenly thoughted of again what, hurriedly let go of, then Gao highland raises feet.
"Damned mankind always ask for trouble for me!I am good friends with to punish you so much!"The cow head monster shouts loudly.
"……" Yang Yang feels an ear in a hemp, then body up shone to work properly automatic defense energy of blood ground.
The whole ground temple drive cow head monster of huge roar an earthquake tiny Zhan-probably is Yang Yang's illusion, probably really have so big power again.Yang Yang feels it being fluttering.
"See my war trampling ……"
Proper Yang Yang is inwardly displeased.Don't know how do just good of time .That monster but suddenly stop in front of him under.
"E, what is the row?"
The cow head monster suddenly stopped to trample the next feet.Where put one to listen attentively a ground of appearance.
"The host call you past."Suddenly, the cow head monster breathes heavily thick spirit to say.
"E?"Yang Yang loosenned tone.
"Hum ……"
", Release me, damned."
See Yang Yang stunned over there, the cow head monster dissatisfiedly starts to grasp his collar of dress, then ignores his flounder, so him lift go out, after coming out, see the sunlight of outside, Yang Yang by this time just discover originally here is a ground temple historic relic.
The turf-grass of the full with miscellaneous grass up, there is a place that is overalied by tree shade,Artist Series, a huge monster lies prone on the shade under a tree.
"The rice promise pottery Si can not treat the scholar whom the mankind win like this."The monster suddenly made a noise.
Yang Yang is let go of, by this time he already lazy must dispute a cow head strange carry a ground of matter of hes, he in astonishment sees at present that monster unexpectedly is a three dragons.Three body abnormalities of dragons are huge, Yang Yang is in the station in his in front, feels that oneself is so infinitesimal in front of a mansion, afraid of that and then can swallow him.
He is unexpectedly most strange to grow threes.
Yang Yang in astonishment discovers that the left side of those three Long You a head of is a dark gold color, gleam special strange color and luster of metal, the another head of is a generally translucent crystal form, more special is in the center that, it twoer than flank big 1 turn, although is common dragon meat body like that,present a kind of purely black, let people involuntarily think of legend in the ground darkly evil dragon.
Three evil dragons ……
Is similar to skull, he ground eyes also present three kinds of strange statuses, flank two ground eyes are gold and silver respectively, and in the center that head eyes are general red blood ones, have six eyes to curiously looking at Yang Yang at this time.
Three necks grow at the body on, but pretty much moderate beauty.Especially head ascend as if water dragon general of long ear fin, give he even add a kind of grace nobility of great king breathing.
Yang Yang and he to see, not from dark nature of marvellous, unexpectedly have in the world thus strange living creature.
However, is this the different clan in the legend,Beats Solo HD?Seem also can't with imagination so cruel and matchless, look, his pouring is like an intelligence race of high class.Inwardly whisper these in Yang Yang Xin, this just thought of a big uncle of strange space to once say as well the high class existence in the different clan owns and others general intelligence and character, different clan of the society is medium, also have and mankind general good and evil, strong or weak.
Not of our nationality, its heart is necessarily different, Yang Yang poured to imagine them into bloodthirsty and matchless monster in the beginning.
"You be not we take the person here, can tell me your name?Still have, you are how to appear here."
The metal head of monster makes a noise to ask a way, his voice takes the hoarse voice of one silk metal sort.
Yang Yang by this time certainly can't what stuff ground to say what"must speak his/her own name first before asking the other people the name, this just courtesy" of the baloney of type, therefore a little bit deliberate later on, then told his own name, as for appear here, just in a brief is spread to deliver, anyway the Zhang of distant journey is over there three Long Shou in, see appearance him should also guess that he is how to come of.
Indeed as expected, after finishing listenning to introducing myself of Yang Yang, three dragons are silent a burst of, then see to nearby of lawn.
Yang Yang follows his vision and saw put in the Zhang of the distant journey on the ground.
"Are you an alchemy teacher?"
"Yes."This have no what can conceal of, Yang Yang has been running about a world by this identity, much less, in the truth palace, his chain gold knowledge for controling also really comes to a big of level.
Three dragons suddenly say:"Indeed as expected and yes ……I respond you broke I use the metal palisades that the special ability knots, the since it is so , with your real strenght, should be able to help to ascend my favour."
"Mankind, let's come to trade!"
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