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Card, as long as have an armband, can come in to eat.Certainly, the armband of city tube doesn't go.
The special kind soldier has a meal need not sing, this perhaps and special kind soldier of"especially" relevant.The force shining glory got leaf Wan to turn 1 turn and beat two urns of rice, a few vegetableses, round table to eat.
Leaf Wan doesn't dare to talk more, the naturally stuffy head greatly eat.
"Wu Da Dun, you today how camed to this to had a meal?"
Leaf Wan raises head and sees the shoulder that the soldier of a colonel soldier title is standing on the in front, clap martial shining glory making fun.
"Lao Tze is happy, want to eat here today, how?"
"Being free is free, you slowly eat, ha ha, the elder brother's wife seeks you to bother that not to close my matter in the evening."The lieutenant colonel talked ha ha a smile to walk.
"That is the government Wei, the week is quick."The martial glorious lo wears the figure of the government Wei of week, Yi Yi tooth, this government Wei very to his temper, 2 people mutually help to train soldiers, especially vigorous.
Leaf Wan is silly location nod, at present but any wear a soldier to pack of,beats by dre cheap, all bigger than him, who make his last arrive.Have no in a short while, force the shining glory also had a meal, and then took leaf Wan to washclearly bowl, this just slowly walk to take a walk, leaf Wan heel at nearby.
"Leaf Wan, you are what country's Anne bureau sends to come, don't belong to the special kind soldier's sequence, you know?"
Leaf Wan ordered to nod.
"But, since drill in my under charge, have to do well, I the martial glorious under charge has no soft egg, unqualifiedly and entirely don't , who get in by the back door all ineffective!"
"Captain, you stop worrying, I definitely do well, can't discredit for you."
Is martial glorious point to nod, and then say:"Your character is very good, the physique is strong, muscle, can not see clearly, but I can feel that you are not- same sort, once did inside boxing in the house?"
"Ha ha!Do I say, how play parallel bars with play with fire firewood stick."The force shining glory smiled several voices, and then said:"However, your physical strength good, can run, don't calculate what, you can only complete all training tasks and eat live a bitterness, just can from the my hand in pass, understand?"
"Is understand!"Leaf Wan stuck out chest to respect a military salute.
"Like like, this nobody, don't make this set of."The force shining glory beat leaf Wan's hand down.
"Tomorrow start system training.Zheng Tie Zhu is responsible for training, he is a whole country to train a parade guards, the ability is very strong, the temper wants to be suddenly and violently than me many, I just lead troops."

Volume 3 sharp knife a sheath three armed cross-country
Renew time:2009-3-919:08:52 chapter word numbers:1991

In fact, the force is glorious to is a big big special kind brigade captain, peacetime of training root need not he worries, Zheng Tie Zhu be train military instructor, be just because Zheng Tie Zhu goes to the capital a conference, this just from martial the shining glory take for two days at the time and train item also little a lot of.However these, the leaf Wan nature doesn't know.
Leaf Wan and force are glorious to take leave, is treading to walk to return to army camp.The force shining glory touches chin, as if deep in thought ground the figure that looking at leaf Wan, this young person, have what surprising?Worth my house's wench concerns about thus, unorthodox!Which have me soldier Zai the sons of under charge to looking at spirit, the physical stature isn't so bad, cow Du son, arm thick match calf.
Leaf Wan sleeps in a dazely, is suddenly waked up with a start by the irritating to the ear alarm bell voice, just sat, Wang Xue Wu's voice had been already spread in the outside:"Urgently gather, 30 time tidy up domestic affairs!"
The leaf Wan nimble-handed quick feet put on clothing, just on shoe of set, other soldiers in the dormitory walking was naked.Leaf Wan is the last good enough.Just stood firm, suddenly discovered that all people all beat shoulder bag ― ― in addition to oneself.
The in front stands a big fellow, the head foot has one meter nine, pretty much fructify, whole body of the muscle is making Xun and taking in the drum to come out, the skin is dark, and the eye is like copper bell.
Leaf Wan's last arrives, didn't beat a shoulder bag again, Zheng Tie Zhu at that moment fire:"You, row!"
"Call what name?"
"Leaf Wan!"
"Why didn't take a shoulder bag?"
Don't take a shoulder bag, because leaf Wan doesn't understand, but"sorry" three words can not say in the army camp, leaf Wan has to loudly say:"I forgot!"
Zheng Tie Zhu one feet Chuai to leaf Wan, leaf Wan is hard to stand to be subjected to, sways several bottoms, poured don't also fall flop.
The feet head of Zheng Tie Zhu sinks especially and sees a feet having no Chuai to turn over leaf Wan, being oddness very much, staring blankly several seconds, shouting at top of voice:"Return to take shoulder bag, give you 15 time!"
"BE!"Leaf Wan runs dormitory once and took a shoulder bag.
At the moment is exactly many at 4:00 A.M., lights bright drill ground ascend quiet quiet stand 100th, number person, Zheng Tie Zhu looking at wrist forms, didn't arrive 15, leaf Wan runs back behind shoulder bag's back, dead straight station in Zheng Tie Zhu's in front.
"Return to row!"
Zheng Tie Zhu tooks a look the troops of in front and loudly says:"The comrades just received a military district urgent order, there was one to hold a gun scoundrel holding for ransom a public sedan in the ocean pontoon bridge 1500 meters place in highway, our task BE:Catch a scoundrel, stop a crime!"
"Immediately running sets out!"
Leaf Wan is muddled, follow anterior soldier to exceed to open a step, small run get excited to march.But the old soldier then press a root the letter don't have what criminal, root be pull to do!If the true guilty makes, so several cars in the army camp, all don't know to drive to make track for?Besides these more than 100 special kind soldiers, make track for how many scoundrels?Let people know to smile to also smile to die.
The chilly bise blows, the troops still keeps being speding soldier status, Zheng Tie Zhu sits on the for use by the military jeep, keeps yelling and uses to lambaste and the whip son encourage physical strength slightly bad of soldier.
The leaf Wan runs, don't feel at all what, just this is several ten inside of sped a soldier is an incitement very much, but also biggest consumed physical strength at the same time, run to in the center have tired soldier must put slow step, gradual of the brigade form spread, like long-distance run game general, was divided into 3.
Segment 1 approximately has 20 people, segment 2 is apart from segment 1 to contain 200 meters and probably has 60 people, all of segment 3s are physical strength not enough of, pull very longly, leave first a head brigade to contain about 1 kilometers.
Leaf Wan runs at first group, slowly adjust breath, run nowise hard to tackle, it is to carry on the back last double of shoulders shoulder bags to make leaf Wan suffered, standard of armed cross-country material, full be be fill of afraid not 70 catties of, weight leaf Wan not afraid, the key is whetting a double shoulder, irritable pain!
Endure, in addition to endure to have no other ways.Leaf Wan puts out strength ground to breathe cold of the air is exactly a midsummer now, the morning of mountain area still has a little cold.
Ran more than a hour for the so stuffy voice ground, probably ran to there are 10 kilometers, suddenly issue on order a soldier to fly a car to send word:"The scoundrel has already been fought down by the police.The empress brigade turns an ex- brigade and all together turns round to hereafter run, target:Army camp!"
"I hold!"Leaf Wan nearby of a soldier secretly scolded 1.
Leaf Wan strabismus on seeing, incredibly understanding!
Is the deny oneself is a new soldier egg son of Lee is not.
Leaf Wan smiles to him, Lee doesn't also see, once the Hey Hey enjoy and breathe heavily spirit to ask a way:"Brothers, you which troops of?How to haven't seen you before?"
Leaf Wan is startled, not yesterday force have the shining glory ever just once introduced?Lee didn't don't hear at all yesterday, or is have been already forgotten?
"I am what country's Anne bureau entrusts a training, call leaf Wan."
"No talking!"Wang Xue Wu's voice spreads from the behind, leaf Wan in the mind a shut up to no longer talk falsely.
The color of the sky is gradually bright, white river and black line of the Rong Rong the mountain Leng have been able to see, the side of highway comes and goes of the car also have much of some.
Leaf Wan runs to arrive by this time, irritable the pain on the shoulder, have already become benumbed, anyway so!Rather enjoy, the leaf Wan half shuts to fix attention on and moves to turn inside the interest and pour also two not mistake.
Suddenly, leaf Wan sees arrive from a distance there are two people on the side of highway fight, one among the persons still carries a pair of knife!Leaf Wan sharp-eyed, but the ear didn't so work properly, simply seeing the mouth moving didn't know as well what matter, the Dian measured for a while and decided to still keep being going to take a look.In case of human life, too not good.
Lee didn't be running in the stuffy head, suddenly discovered that leaf Wan that have been running in the oneself side front changes line!
Leaf Wan deviated path, a few Zongs jumped, unexpectedly the Cuan ascended highway!
This is to seriously disobey Ji, the Lee not- old soldier is from, not this kind of novice of leaf Wan can compare.Was small to jump several bottoms, didn't looking at Related articles:

