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"The Xiao,such as cloud, shouts at top of voice and climbs to Yang Hua Wei's in front, learned his appearance to touch touch his forehead and said:"H'm, you are all right, however you since inheritted a double son saint machine, that which soul is your exactly leaving ground ?You say that you are Yang Hua Wei, can you has already changed for my ground felling."
"Need me to repeat 1 time again?"Yang Hua Wei turns to turn head, the vehemence again returns to formely cold Su, listenned to he say a words, the Xiao after feeling such as cloud the back bone felt chill, " Yang Hua Wei is still Yang Hua Wei, Yang Hua Wei is Yang Hua Wei, Yang Hua Wei is all Yang Hua Wei forever."
"You, you what answer is this regarded as?Say a ground of dog dinner of, I ain't basically understand."Xiao such as cloud still strong stand, the way of Rang Rang:"You have to answer my ground face to face question, otherwise I Pa especially the passage of agriculture temple of the gods turn off, let you don't go, so you can't feed an evil monster of your Fu."
"?You can try."Once Yang Hua Wei's eyebrow pick and raise feet to outwardly walk to, the Xiao of spirit,such as cloud, keeps stamping foot, but Yang Hua Wei walk to doorway, and then stopped down, turned to turn head to say:"Is like cloud, I am Yang Hua Wei."
"Such as, like cloud?"The Xiao,such as cloud, stares big eyes, the Leng could not say words very in a short while over there, he looking at Yang Hua Wei, on the face two put on red glow at sunset, point at Yang Hua Wei to say:"You.You, you, how can you call so me?You even if don't call my young lady, can not call so very intimately, either!"
"Just a title is just."Yang Hua Wei shakes and peeps out a vicissitudes of life on the face.Listens to him saying:"You say I give you of the felling changed and in fact arrived at this world to start changing from I, a down to date, the many people once said me to change with me.I thought to is this world to change me, but actually I am getting wronger, is that I changed me by myself."
"What are you exactly saying?"The Xiao,such as cloud, shouted loudly 1 and looking at Yang Hua Wei and always could not figured out what counterplan, finally simply jilt to act in pettish a way:"I ignore, you must call hereafter my full name, prohibit to call me ……call me that."
"What did I call you?"Yang Hua Wei's eyebrow a pick.Put a hand to outwardly walk to, turn head to say at the same time:"Occupy to send the person calls I, I want go to China."
"You!Is really too damned.Unexpectedly the little bit doesn't put me as well in the eye."Xiao,such as cloud, after Yang Hua Wei walks, before hating a ground of Duo to stamp foot, but ringing out Yang Hua Wei to his title and that very intimate action, have no since and a burst of easily excited.But Yang Hua Wei just said of words how she don't understand as well, but actually leave ground is who of no account, because is positive to say such as Yang Hua Wei, Yang Hua Wei is still Yang Hua Wei, Yang Hua Wei is Yang Hua Wei.Yang Hua Wei is all Yang Hua Wei forever.
Yang Hua Wei just came out a pair of sub- sanctuaries.See the sand be added to wait in addition to door, the sand adds to also be regarded as Yang Hua Wei to acquaint with most in my noodles of one of the warrior.So Yang Hua Wei sees sand's adding is carrying on the back to toward him, went up to clap her shoulder.Ask a way:"Does the sand adds, is waiting me?"
"?Frighten to death me."The sand adds to frighten and see after being Yang Hua Wei clap a chest, the small face son is red to rush toward, have a liking for to is lovely very much, he carefully tooks a look Yang Hua Wei and carefully asks a way:"You are ……"
"Yang Hua Wei."Yang Hua Wei directly points at her she ground to move to open and say:"How do you all like to ask this question?"
"I remember that you not too liked to talk before."The sand adds to touch back part of skull and says:"Now so many words, I think is ……"
"BE what ah BE?"Yang Hua Wei turned over to turn over cold stare and asked a way:"Is having here evil crystal?Take little bit for me."
", Have, however here only seven classes as follows of, tallestly is also seven, we before still have no ability to deal with a more deluxe evil monster."The sand adds to took a look Yang Hua Wei after death, seeing the Xiao,such as cloud, didn't come out, ask a way:"What about young lady?She just not is go in?"
"Be you originally aren't waiting me?"Yang Hua Wei is past to make to disappointedly say:"She at in thinking problem, may peep me to go to bed to see very greatly."
"I am dizzy, you talk how so falsely through?"The sand adds ghost to call, she feels that Yang Hua Wei is to become a lot, " are you telling me the part, stay actually to is which?"
"Do you feel to is which?"While dipping down a face, again opening eyes, Yang Hua Wei traverses strong vehemence to send forth to go out from that tiger eyes, let the sand add to have no since a burst of and stifling.
"Or ……Yang Hua Wei."Retreating is two, the sand adds Wu to live a chest to say.
"H'm, you know good, go to and make 100 six classes for me of evil crystal."Yang Hua Wei's point nods and seem the very delighted sand add to make clear he is Yang Hua Wei, say the words still clapped to clap her shoulder, the in that manner is like that the elder just talks with child.
"100?Is so many?"The sand adds to stare big eyes, point voice call way:"Here totally not arrive 1,000 evil crystal, I top where move for you so many evil crystal go?"
"How so little?"Yang Hua Wei's eyebrows a wrinkly, put a hand, seem to be really to discommode oneself's ground to say:"So 20 seven classes can be also."
"What about my sky, you are greatly a lion openings?"The sand added to turn over to turn over cold stare, but turned to read a to think, Yang Hua Wei killed ground eight class evil monster with seven class the evil monster is 1,000 all not only, no wonder that meeting not will evil crystal put in the eye.Thought of here, the sand adds of the tone have a little a son injustice, listens to her saying:"Although the Greece is a small country, but also needs new energy, we altogether get of evil crystal don't arrive five numbers as well.""The African evil monster is many, though you kill be, last time at pulled to add a rice to pull fortress there of evil crystal didn't know as well several thousand, how also disappeared you to take?"Yang Hua Wei says:"You go first to move for me some, the Fu that fed full me evil monster says again and has an opportunity me to send to come over at 1:00 to the Greece."
"Are you serious?"The sand adds a surprise way and thinks what Yang Hua Wei got is all that those high classes are evil crystal, the sand adds and then feels very happy and says with a smile:"That I first thank you for the premier, I go to and take for you now, that ……etc.!You say that you want to be evil crystal come dry what?Feed an evil monster?"
"H'm, I ground Fu evil monster if don't eat evil monster ground words since want to absorb evil crystal energy, just tell me to say such as cloud I slept here for a week and estimated I again not go out it Be getting more hungry."The Yang Hua Wei Song shrugs shoulders Bang and says very naturally.
", The originally deluxe evil monster eats evil crystal, true oddness."The sand adds the back part of skull of Nao Nao and really strangely says, but her suddenly thinking of just Yang Hua Wei is like cloud ground title to Xiao, stare big eyes looking at him, the ground of Leng Leng asks a way:"You, what did you just call a young lady?You call her ……"
"!China!Wei!"Listens to a Nu scold, Xiao,such as cloud, already the full face red glow at sunset ground walk out.
Yang Hua Wei sees a form far from good, ha ha on smiling to turn round and then run, he is that speed, returning no one can catch up, leaves Xiao,such as cloud looking angry and embarrassed ground, to stand on the sand to add in front, the atmosphere has a little very small embarrassed.
Lookinging at Xiao is like cloud earth's surface feeling, the sand added to wisely choose to leave, "young lady, I to move for Yang Hua Wei evil crystal, feed an evil monster for him, I walked first."
The facial expression that the sand strengthens to endure to smile lets the Xiao,such as cloud, to the utmost accept eye bottom, she was regarded as to hate Yang Hua Wei to the bone meat now and wanted to think, she ruthlessly Duo stamp foot,beats by dre pro, but the end still didn't do what, just returned to sanctuary.
The Xiao,such as cloud, discovers that Yang Hua Wei changed, but the Xiao,such as cloud, still make sure at present is Yang Hua Wei, more important, she just looking at the time of Yang Hua Wei, heart palpitates, accelerate ……

Text 190 chapters feed a Fu evil monster
Renew time:2009-9-1515:56:23 chapter word numbers:6163

Fu the evil monster still in quiet lie prone on the hilltop of east, however have already come together a lot of reporters there, is still that the premier appear publicly and let the troops interfere here, reporter with round all of the crowds of view to block in the outside.
"No closing to!"Yang Hua Wei walks over there and have to the Jing Related articles:

