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Yang Genkui bombs had clenched hands show a collection badge
head for many years, I'll give you a
Yang Genkui

salute him, warehouse as death squads had four lines long, bloody battle; he had as a coolie in Japan prisoner of war camp, survived; he was in the veteran, has lived in poverty ... ...

whether the bombs for the veterans when the hand grip, put a bunch of carnations?

Wen / Wu Zhiwei map / Liu Jinchuan Wu Di

sudden warrior

four lines of the warehouse after the Battle of seventy years, Yang Yang are has been regarded as

Yang Yang is 12 days before death, December 4, 2010, a 90-year-old quietly to build River Museum. In the Battle of Shanghai's exhibition hall, he grabbed the instructors Huafeng: other four hand grenades, with more than 40 individuals and rushed out. Guizi Bing carrying bayonet rifles have a stab at me, I head one-sided, bayonet in the left forehead, blood on the pick to open a hole, I dumped him to put down the gun turn ... ...

old man claiming to be Yang Genkui, 90-year-old veteran of four lines of defense of the warehouse. Heard about the museum curator Fan Jianchuan to confirm the identity of the elderly, deliberately assassinated Yuan Xie Jin said to place on the playground, the elderly immediately corrected: 1931-1945 , back into the British concession. I salute you. Mao Zedong, Zhu De's statue in turn salute.

He said he saw the CCTV broadcast of He took out a small wooden box, open the lid, which is three brass badge: 24 Squadron 3909

Yang Genkui, this

The first lunar month in 1936 that 30 Shifang to join the army. Joined the army before, called

1937 年 8 13, Battle of Shanghai broke out. Troops were ordered to move into Shanghai, Suzhou River in the deployment. October 26, 524 Xie Jin Yuan, deputy head of mission, led over the first four lines of business warehouse, covering force withdrawal. At this point, Yang Genkui has been promoted to the first camp with the first row of second lieutenant platoon leader. He remembers vividly when Xie Jin Yuan's speech: , the Battle of Shanghai consumption, downsizing serious. Yang Genkui said, when warehouse to defend the total number of four lines 397. To confuse the Japanese, the Chinese army with the

Xie Jin Yuan will be deployed in four lines of the warehouse for several right wing, three with left-wing, responsible for external Erlian in the central garrison. Yang Genkui put where Eren three rows into a triangle, left, right, beat back the enemy attack in the wild in three directions. At this point, for future generations known as the three-story brick buildings in the room.

break death squads

four lines of the warehouse near the International Settlement, the Japanese not attacked by naval gunfire, and not like in other places as the use of mustard gas. As a result, the Japanese transferred to the cavalry charge. Centralized command and machine gun fire hit Yang Genkui horse. Lok Ma cavalry faltered, Czech machine guns became live targets.

Japanese attack very violent. Yang Genkui recalls: . October 31 midnight to early morning of November 1, Xie Yuan led 376 batches through the new bridge withdraw into the International Settlement garbage. Yang Genkui Erlian a row of 40, as a breakthrough death squads, each a pistol, four hand grenades. According to pre-deployment forces used heavy machine guns cover Yang Genkui death squads. Death squads occupy a favorable position, and then other people covering retreat. British heavy machine guns also opened fire. In this battle, about 10 people wounded, Yang Genkui forehead left open the Japanese bayonets to pick a hole in the left wrist fracture. And Yang Yang is killed by shrapnel left eye. 2:00, all the defenders are complete withdrawal.

warrior became prisoners of war

At this point, Iwane Matsui go back up, threatening the UK, if left to the Ministry of Xie Jin Yuan, will invade concession. As a result, Xie Jin Yuan and the Ministry of weapons confiscated by the British restriction of freedom, become

this time, Chiang Kai-shek to participate in the promotion of all four lines of the Battle of the military warehouses rank (the Jin level), Yang Genkui also been promoted to captain company commander. In the Yang Genkui said: Japanese troops then occupied the Shanghai International Settlement, They were sent to Hangzhou, Xiao Lin Wei and Gwanghwamun (Nanjing) to do hard labor. Yanggen Kui and Yang Yang are both sent to prison custody Nanjing Tiger bridge, a month later was sent to Wuhu Yu Xikou carry coal. Yang Genkui said: There, hungry, clothed, high labor intensity, sick prisoners of war buried in the coal pile in death. Yang Genkui prisoners of war where the second squadron squadron leader, is one of the New Fourth Army commander, he told Yang Genkui, there is a nearby New Fourth Army activities. Yang Genkui decided to plan a jailbreak program: prisoners of war with sharpened bamboo pole as a weapon, troops in three columns, each cover, attack the Japanese base, snatch weapons, collective breakthrough. But the day before the escape, the Japanese prisoners of war suddenly together, set up machine guns around. Yang Genkui be separate caught towers hanging up.

jailbreak jailbreak jailbreak again

. I think the big deal a death, there is impunity denounce the inhuman prison camp. Gendarmerie long listening to rage, but fire managers Tanaka sent to the mine body. After the prisoners were slightly improved the day, I rest a few days later, they began to work.

escape in the second half a month later. The jailbreak is 524 sponsored group long-Ray machine gun again and again male. Call it a day camp on the way back, after a period of no barbed wire, when the railway closed, suddenly someone shouted, Yang Genkui Manchurian soldiers in front of his stunned, won the thirty-eight rifle ran. But he found that there were no bullets in the gun. Behind the gun turret on the machine gun fire, escape of people have fallen. Yang Genkui throw away the gun, get on the ground to avoid bullets. Wait until the gunfire stopped, has not the opportunity to escape again, only to return a prisoner of war camp.

night upon the Japanese that he was beaten half to death last time, this estimate did not dare to run again, there is no accountability. The escape of the people, there is Yang Yang. Yang Yang being near the New Fourth Army's rescue and, after back to Chongqing.

Soon Yang Genkui other was sent to Pukou coal, pipe foreman is in their group had been a messenger of 524 Xieyou Jie, he left early in the Battle of Shanghai troops back home, he promised to help Yang Genkui escape. One day, Nanjing and the Chinese Air Force was a joint Allied bombing, bombing bad on two ferries in the Yangtze River boat. In order to rush to transport coal, the Japanese prisoners of war night to work overtime. Tianquan dark time, Xie Youjie to find Yanggen Kui, said: Tie a long orderly. Four Tibetan couple sleeping in bed Xie Youjie below. King dug a pit below, surrounded by sheets hanging.

Xie Jin Yuan medal of honor

Japanese found fewer people, they looked a search. Until the time of the Japanese to run away, then crawled out four, ate tasty fried rice, Xie Youjie given several hundred dollars each puppet government of Wang Jingwei After going out to take the train to Pukou Shiquan County, looking for guerrilla headquarters.

four people over the fence, ran all the way Pukou railway station. Because Yang Genkui will be a little simple Japanese, Deng Ying Yang Genkui will arrange to Mailiaojupiao. No ticket on the train accident, reaching Shiquan County, Wang up a peace army inventory. Why the military asked Yang Genkui peace with prisoners of war, but the foreman's armband to go Shiquan County. Yang Genkui lied aunt married here, he went to vote pro. Before leaving, the soldiers also reminded Yang Genkui peace

escaped from occupied areas, the Yang Genkui four provided that the difficulties encountered, as long as the show will be funded by the hospitality and generosity.

1945 年 8 月 10, defected Anhui Li Huang (now Jinzhai County) Tenth theater Yang Genkui heard the news of Japan's unconditional surrender. The next day, the tenth to the Yang Genkui theater of the Political Department issued a false difference (equivalent to pass), each set of new uniforms and travel expenses of several hundred dollars to fund them back to Chongqing. Line to Nanyang, Henan, Yang Genkui encounter the original Joseph 29 Jun, deputy commander, deputy commander of the theater when he was the fifth Executive's Sun Chen. Sun Chen told Yang Genkui, do not go to Chongqing, the national government should also have in Nanjing. Yang Genkui think the war is over, or go home. He wrote a letter to the family, send the photos. Had escaped prisoner of war camp with the other three were kept in the Sun at the effect of the earthquake. Is the year that Yang Genkui Hu Tsung-nan's Yang Genkui spent 2 million yuan to buy a bolt of cloth, be a homecoming.

nightmare day

Yang Genkui back home in Sichuan Jintang ginkgo field, and soon became engaged. Former blacksmith to make a living has been difficult to make ends meet, he went to Chengdu, the Chengdu military unit to be admitted into the 24 Squadron. After that, met in Fengjie division of the original 88, when he was commander of the Sun Yuanliang 16 Corps, was appointed captain for the 127 division reconnaissance Lieutenant Colonel, and later appointed him to the 124 Army 223 Division deputy division commander Major General, appointed a new fan in Sichuan. At this time is December 1949. Wu Jun, 124 Corps who were not recognized excuse. In desperation, Yang Genkui ginkgo field back home, then I heard that the military uprising of 124.

ginkgo Jintang County home market, Yang Genkui with the old name With the villagers only know that he had been a KMT soldier, no one knows the identity of his officers, Nevertheless, in the Yang Genkui will treasure for many years, But this gave him provoke greater scourge, medals were confiscated on the spot, were immediately detained, twenty miles to catch a meal of the eldest son to the police station was also shut out.

Yang Genkui recalled the , is to let you lying on the ground, pulling your legs run forward, back on the ground in the potholes grinding, grinding bleeding; 'sit idle', is slowly pulling away. very cruel ah! >

So, once exposed his own officers as, needless to say, The hidden story of the heroic past and the identity of the warrior hero, once again, silently endured inhumane torture.

more people frightened happened. Yang Genkui where the brigade's secretary did not know where to put it out of the Yang Genkui of an old photograph. Photo, Yang Genkui lieutenant platoon leader dressed in military uniforms, do not waist with two pistols. The face of Fortunately, he only used the local name

In those long years of suffering, This is reminiscent of the Japanese surrender ceremony in Nanjing has served as battalion commander of Zhao Zhenying guard, twisted in that era, they would think it was a

That until the nightmare of the whole nation gradually woke up, his family and neighbors began to slowly hear from Yang Genkui the . Yang Genkui now no longer anonymous, you can proudly tell his war story. But when asked what the years have been kind of treatment, the answer was

Elderly have eight children, and younger son now live with. Family six or seven acres of land to farming and migrant workers living. In 2005, Yang Yang Yang Genkui being seen as a Yang Yang is gaining recognition, so Yang Genkui pleased. He tried to find the relevant departments Jintang County, but his reply was: Japanese for the motherland, ah! with the, well used, could not bear with, has not bought new. old have cataracts.

American director Steven Spielberg has been quoted that his father had described the mood of World War II veterans as saying: the glory of war veterans, never dying. Year for the veterans of the bombs, hand grip,beats by dre uk, put a bunch of carnations!

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