
beats dr dre ow on the ground th

It incredibly is iron Long Ling's person.
Handsome pottery Tang at his after death say with smile:"I say a Luo elder brother, your enemy house is still really many, incredibly came again a what iron Long Ling."
Luo easily had a little angry white his one eye, don't like spirit of to that:"Your boy's being not live is getting more impatient."
"!"The big fellow is an appearance of contempt.
The Tuo pulls out to more but a little bit see however go to, their making the lookinging at of inferiority their their own host is despised by person, they certainly feel not happy in the part way:"Host, this person hands over to me good."
Luo is easy cold of say with smile:"The others handed over to you, this guy I want to make him regret that his Niang livings out him."
"Iron Long Ling!Iron Long Ling!"What he soliloquized whispers, is to a little bit think impassability very much in the heart, oneself's seeming isn't very big with iron Long Ling's old grudge, see this appearance, iron Long Ling the good elephant minds their faces very much.
"Die!"That big fellow incredibly some ruleses all have no and mercilessly shine on Luo easily be be head one Zhang, is still a Zhang out of the blue.
The Luo easy at heart is one earthquake, this guy of out of the blue the Zhang absolutely has the highest scholastic attainment, why can be so reckless?
But isn't the time that he thinks a problem this time, big fellow of out of the blue the Zhang have been already happened.Sees his body at first a repeatedly slight rock, feet's moving don't move, out of the blue the strength dint of the Zhang have been already got rid of.
The big fellow is ownly and out of the blue abrupt however feels the Zhang end up in nothing, he isn't a true idiocy either, and otherwise the fighting skill can't do so outstandingly.See a Zhang have no effective, not nervous at all, once the hands match and step further, double Zhang before chest a burst of dim in vision confused fingerprint formation, line up the strength that the mountain pours sea dashing from his fingerprint but, suddenly, the world changes countenance, the sun and moon has no light, depressed of the surprised thunder continuously blast open in the top of head.
Luo is more shocked under the easy heart, the fighting skill of this guy is progressively too quick, now with just absolutely was two people's artistic skill.Does he still have to conceal?
Although he thinks so, can don't dare to neglect at all, double once the Zhang fold, the drawing out of lightning stone fire is one Zhang, but isn't the spirit strength that beats in the opponent up, but the unreal before chest kept on pressing.
The true weather of big fellow is repeatedly the windstorm that a regiment coagulates, continuously revolve, brushed past the vacant land of two human lives, curled up to float in the sky dust, hunted Gang breeze to start to turn over lightning flash, imitate the Buddha dark cloud cover crest, again quickly incomparable.
But another person oddness of BE, after Luo easy Zhang sends out, the body starts drawing off backward, he just once stood of place, a larger true spirit current of air's in mid air quickly formed a stabbed an eye of silvery light regiment, continuously of absorption surroundings of air.
Speaking of to time is very long, can be an only momentary affair, the true air pressure of big fellow come over, a burst of depressed, but almost let several inside achievement isn't a very high guy mind to break~into piece.It was a burst of and disgusted to suddenly flee to come up from the heart bottom.Being a fighting skill is quite good, handsome pottery Tangs all feel a his/her own mind a burst of rock, imitate a Buddha be got to his/her own body by the strong true air pressure up, a little bit breathe heavily however the felling for annoying.
The felling of big fellow is a mightiness most , a burst of and rotary vacuum force abruptly of he from pulled to come over at first, saw to leave Luo easily more and more near, his facial expression beginning took place variety.
Luo is a pair of easy cold heartless eyes very the drama Jue stare at this guy.The appearance that sees him painful, the elephant is a very good-hearted way:"Pull, I help you."Say, be with the sword Yi so deeply fix for didn't see very clearly, that big fellow had already fallen his hand in.
The his list hand holds the neck of big fellow, once the facial expression sink, the voice changes of very cruelty, the elephant is the psyche that comes out from the hell, way:"I want to know some thing, don't know if you cooperates?"
That big fellow facial expression is alternately a burst of and green and red, see appearance with obstinate look.
"Like,beats dr dre, I like to have backbone of person, hope that you can bear of rise."He suddenly thought of gold Hui they are severals, he once experienced Li Tian as well often of means, can is he to have never used at a time.
The "Luo's childe, you ……" sword Yi sharp observation dint still had a function, she worried of looking at the cold fierce cold idea that start to emit suddenly in the Luo's easy eye, a little bit worry of call a way.
Luo easy corner of mouth** two times, way:"Do you mean to say to make me put my this guy?"
The sword Yi hesitated for an instant, is still that ordering of affirmation nod.
For an instant, the Luo easy at heart produces a very helpless mind, this sword Yi always wants he does he doesn't can make of affair, she is really own guest's star don't become, seem oneself stills has a little good will to her.
Is proper he because of not definitely of time, the Tuo pulled out more several individuals to after putting poured those people soon round to come up, he also discovered, and then had a group of persons came.
He sighed tone and put that big fellow down, can that big fellow incredibly the stations didn't stand up, the Tan got to ground up.
Everyone's at hearts all have a number, this guy fighting skill was sealed.
"See, and then came so many people!"Handsome pottery Tang Hao Xiang has much of lookinging at of interest to dash away a since then quick horse, a little feeling of impending crisis all has no, and the comer is many this time.
"Handsome elder brother knows a bearer?"Luo is easily wrinkly eyebrows to ask a way.
Handsome pottery Tang may be not very clear either, can the sword Yi is on the side light way:"The dress that sees them should be iron Long Ling's person."
"Good, I just thinking seek their matter, oneself incredibly sent to come to come."Luo easily saw an arrival so many people, anti- poured to call to get up.A pair of eyes looking at quickly approximate about 100 people's troops chillily.
See iron joys horse of Long Ling Ren calls of arrived at their front of, was handsome pottery Tangs to all a little bit knit the brows this time, he didn't think to be meaningless much iron is Long Ling this enemy, they have no for teach not is come to river to ask for in the lake is living not.
"Luo elder brother, we don't want to set up too many enemies, that is disadvantageous very much to our development."He good elephant very at will of to Luo easy way, see don't see Luo easy.
The nature contains number in the Luo easy heart, he just was still just thinking and how to got away from to have no for the identity for teaching.Smile a way:"Invite a little lord to trust, they are hurtling a morning sun island come of, settle however can't take the trouble to have no for teach."His book says very clearly and actually language in very difficult don't take some feeling**colourful, this small matter is all irresponsible, start considering in his heart, using this didn't expire for the curtain for teaching whether.
Handsome pottery Tang Shan Shan's way:"The Luo elder brother pleases to misunderstand."
Luo puts a hand easily and very natural and unrestrainedly and says with smile:"Handsome what elder brother thought is getting tooer many, I just still wanted how said with you, this a few boys I wanted to order precept for them and kept them from arriving hereafter Su Hang to seek a matter."
"Please show leniency!"From a distance, hear a guy with deep capability loudly of yell.See come is very anxious.
Luo easily has much of lookinging at of interest the big fellow on the ground, this guy hasn't died, this time, he certainly can't want the life of this guy, now that handsome pottery Tang put forward that he need not have no for teach of name, so the affair is a morning sun island of, this iron Long Ling how is all river in the lake a greatly combine, to morning sun island of hereafter settle however will have a very great help.He seemed to all thought of that long Ling of this iron cans make what, cannot help but smiling.
The Tuo pulls out more they all looking at him very strangely, can sword Yi heart in or many or all littlely can guess to order what, at heart not only have a little to suppress, she also can not say it why, morning sun island of strong, she would not like to see, can not want to obstruct again, be really don't know how to just like!
"Luo's childe show leniency, please!"The person yelling is still really quick, also saw the horse that he sits down really ascend a good horse, turned an eye was Luo easy they of front of, a fish of clean benefit Suo jumps blunt crest, flew a body to dismount, easily embrace a boxing way to Luo very politely.
The common saying says stretch hand not to beat a smiling face person well, Luo is easy although the facial expression is chillily very cold, can have no the meaning to begin right away, just looking at him.
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