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Anne makes can Zheng an eye shut an eye.Day a long, this Chang-an of order become now so, can be openly strong to rob a people female."
, Chen Que immediately after way:"Clearly the princess' inside is to recommend me to do medium the book make, actually she will not trust me to do medium the book make, just want me and get to Chang-an make and restructure discipline.You think ah, I which have so many energies, I am one whole Su official hierarchy, this wins a book to make not just nominal?"
Chen Wan Rong is understand to come over, peace princess this plays really beautifully all alone, she recommends Chen Que to do medium the book make, again Chang-an make this bitterness the work fill to him and make Chen Que nominal.But she not only caters to Rui to believe in, but also doesn't before accounting win to dislike, the good reputation of mind comprehensiveness!
One stone two birdses account, brilliant!

Volume 3 Chang-an the winds and clouds chapter 76 greatly good matter
Renew time:2009-6-2822:59:01 chapter word numbers:6408

Wu Jing is a feeling Kui very much:"Adult says the true, official hierarchy is should the whole Su, you should make an effort."
Chen Que nods a way:"The whole Su is the whole Su, just I ain't Sung again, which can complete in the in a short time the whole Su.If Sung receives order to do it, I dare to could not say for three days, official hierarchy for the meeting honesty, I don't don't to like this matter for 12 years."
Sung is honorable, very high in the position in the official hierarchy heart, even if to his dissatisfied officials to his calling a way is also honorable.If Sung comes to the whole Su official hierarchy, official hierarchy affirmation will refrain from rash action, don't dare to make a mess of.Although Chen Que has just, is morally upright, the personal conduct is quite good,compares with Sung or has a very big margin, fear Sung not afraid Chen Que by official hierarchy, he wants to want to chase the whole Su of official hierarchy good, need very long time.
12 years inside, Chen Que just holds a position in name a that win book's ream, but not ability director, the peace princess is just actually the position that makes for the book in prince's a short seller, the imperial government structure and form doesn't have big variety.
The Rui believes in originally will Chen Que get a medium book to make, if peace princess the words done not agree, the brother and sister certanly will quarrel.The place of the peace princess' cleverness lies in and catered to the idea that the Rui believes in and also complies with the surrounding to build on stilts Chen Que.The peace princess recommends Chen Que to get a medium book to make, is matching a Rui idea of religion, she wants Chen Que and gets to Chang-an make, the Rui believes in to give her some faces, must promise.
To Li Long Ji, his vision puts more farsightedly.Cluster the minister really should give to order Jing Xun and scanned widely the cluster of party in government minister, can Chen Que can serve as this matter.As for medium the book make to have solid power, Li Long Ji pours don't care, think at him come, real of groundwork not is have how much confident is a prime minister, control what seat.And is to lie in canning grasp the seat of key in the hand, Li Long Ji now grasp the most important military power in the hand, otherly pour to need not give a lot of care too much, either.
The Chen glory late smiles to comfort Chen Que:"Adult, this matter you still must do, didn't get a choice, is not?"
Chen Que nods a way:"BE ah!Originally think that the glory elder brother in night changes imperial government structure and form, actually is superficial to change.There is no actual use."The Rui believes in to originally intend to be in use Chen Que and changes some kind of of the structure and forms of the imperial government and have never thought peace princess to break, really by surprise.
Chen Wan Rong's cachinnation:"Adult, I am also momentary to get angry with, where dare to want to change imperial government structure and form."
Wu Jing said a way of bear pondering about:"Adult.You this is to once entertain wild hope Gao, an inside book makes, can not change imperial government structure and form."
Chen Que's point nods and transfers a topic way:"Late glory elder brother, the business of new moon parties, the prince will send Wang Mao Zhong to handle.There is also one matter, the prince wants me to you say for a while, Yang Si Xu wants Ling south, you here want to send Wang Shao Hua to come over."
Yang Si Xu's making Chen sending back the mansion backward early today glory is late.Go to east's temple and plead to Li Long Ji.Want go to Ling south.Unexpectedly Li Long Ji was so quick and then agreed.
"Go.It is the whole to listen to prince's ground."The Chen glory late nods approbation.
3 people said a burst of words.This just goes and cluster the minister meet.Cluster minister 35 in groups.Get together to talk chat claver.Pouring is also noisy.Chen Wan Rong slightly and slightly a sweep.More than 100 officials.It is a grand view very much.Not from get eyebrows a pick.Account heart"this is a big inning.I must make use of exploitation well".Chen Wan Rong in mind warns himself/herself.
The idea is certain.Chen Wan Rong calls to cow still new.Whisper severals in his ear.The cow still lately orders.Is small to run to go to.Chen Wan Rong this just to cluster minister way:"Each associate:Be very grateful for you to come.Arrive at my simple home.I appreciate very much.Recently.I did one thing.Send to each.Still invite everyone to accept kindly."
All know that Chen Wan Rong is a chemical engineering ground geneses person of Chen Shi.He ground the viewpoint is unusual.Make people surprisingly.Chen Shi chemical engineering ground the product is to can not say.It is very good.Listenned to him ground words.The cluster minister comes to interest a while.The Dou keeps in mind Zhen initiative to ask question:"Excuse me, adult Chen.BE what good thing?"
This words are exactly thought by a group of minister in the minds.It all is big Zheng eyes to looking at Chen Wan Rong.Hope he gives an answer.
Chen Wan Rong didn't make to answer face to face.But is counter-question 1:"Each associate, all savory on your body.BE use spice smoked of?"
"This still uses to say, who not is use spice smoked of?"A minister son smiles an answer.
"To ah!"The cluster minister attaches and 1.
The Chen glory late shakes a hand way:"My sending thing is similar to the spice, can make you savory to your ground.Isn't that the elephant spice is so troublesome certainly, the spice has to be smoked, but I this needs on the body so a little, protect you more fragrant than woman."
The last is to joke, cluster minister a burst of cachinnation.
"Adult Chen, what good baby is that ?"Xiao to loyalty to interest, cannot help but asking 1.
Chen Wan Rong answers his question this time:"I this thing call perfume.Come, give each adult one person's 1 bottle."
The cow is still new in response to 1, take person to keep in mind a Zhen 1 bottle of their one person for Dou.The cluster minister is connected hand in, want to do first of is verification, once the plug open, indeed as expected a savory flavor comes into nostrils since then, and the one shouts bravo a voice to ring out.
Many people will prepare to sprinkle to the body, the favour of Chen Wan Rong raises orotund arrestment:"Each adult:Perfume be not use so of, please see the above use elucidation."
"Perfume perfume, the elfevident had water of flavor, don't pour on the body and return an ability how use?"There is loquacious minister son, see have elucidation.Don't see already, a see under, not from must blush.See elucidation just know that oneself knows not a thing to the perfume, if pour on the body, that can be impending, ten days and eight days after perhaps is all fragrant.
Saw manual, someone cannot helped but and poured somes on the body.One person goes, public effect, not and in a short while effort, great majority minister son all perfume, each is savorily all an exultation.
The Dou keeps in mind Zhen and Xiao to loyalty Tu Xie also on the body, mutual on smelling, immediately change countenance.The Dou keeps in mind Zhen eyebrows a wrinkly:"Xiao adult, how grow on your body a rose?If this grows on woman still about,beats by dre studio, your a big man, have a rose on the body is this what a scandal?"
The Xiao defies spirit to loyalty, eyes a stare:"Dou adult, you don't laugh at me, aren't you just similar?You smell you from, on the body long one stub cherry tree, the plum flower flavor of whole body."
"The plum flower is always stronger than rose!"The Dou bosom Zhen reason keeps spirit to strengthen.
Once the mutual smell and take joss-stick on each body and go toward cluster minister in the center a station, the good elephant gets into ten thousand flower bushes similar.There is a big minister feeling far from good unclearly, mutually attend to shockingly.
Chen Wan Rong doesn't live to shake head:"Each associate, my words haven't finished saying, you to body, now O.K..You tomorrow ascend a dynasty, emperor will how think?"
BE ah!Is whole elephant fresh flowers sort savorily, if go toward dynasty hall ascend a station, dynasty the hall will become to spend garden, the Rui believes in to smell not arrive?
Change countenance on the cluster minister face:"Adult Chen, also has what rubbish don't say?"
Chen Wan Rong is just proper just thinking to explain.Cluster minister on the body, obstruct arrestment also not, can from wear them.Helpless Related articles:

