
cheap beats by dre ay the Tatar peo

His three younger brothers, and sprinkle infants ,and red iron lattice temperature ,to Wang Han and Wanyan Fushou and Wanyan long gifts .Wang Han listened to ,immediately send them into the big tent .
relationresultIncome,and by the son is to shine with happiness ,Wang Ji ,Wanyan Fushou and Wanyan long salute .relationresultThe KingKhan said: joint withdrawal ,we just fought off the attack of Nayman ,is hasten meal army male help me as me .
Think of you, let me say ,you how the battle was going . , relationresultBecause TimogenWang Han as the father ,because his brother is also called Wang Han the adoptive father ,joint withdrawal Road : father ,thanks to you and the divinity ,my brave brother Timogen by leading Mongolia warriors defeated Mie son beggar ,to drive them out of the prairie ,to a world of ice and snow to the north .
, relationresultThe originaland Wang Han defeated ,Temujin intentionally leaked the news .Mie son ever of three chiefs know ,think again ,immediately set out for Mongolia army army ,attack .
Two side just a warring ,Temujin was being lost ,leading to retreat .Mie son ever army is chasing the occasion, as has long been ambush good V army from the left and right sides fight ,defeated the Mie son ever army ,and removal of a black and a desk a son Ma La Mongolia army killed ,only the tower is also Wu Sun led the remnants fled to the north .
Temujin is multiplied situation pursuit ,occupied the Mie son ever part of the territory ,Mie son ever department and the child became the slave ,cattle property became the Mongols .relationresultButthis time Caesar will on a gold Junlai Department of Mongolia on the way, to defeat the three coalition ,Wanyan Fushou and Wanyan long stay in Mongolia the Department of prisoners and horses also have all ,cheap beats by dre.
At the same time the messenger to offer a generous gift ,male slave five hundred slave girl ,two hundred ,the young slave one hundred good ,five hundred horses, cattle and sheep skins two thousand head ,five hundred ,gold etc.
was installed ten cars .But the present for Wang Han is more abundant, the competition is Mie son ever half of territory .relationresultWang Han listens,although he is always keep the countenance of the people ,can not help but be overjoyed ,never thought himself no efforts died ,could be Mie son ever half of territory .
Not too affectation : and son, your filial piety touched me ,but this land I have not been a strength ,is the Mongolia warriors with their blood and lives ,and I how can to ? , relationresultFourteen thirteen wing of war 2 , relationresultJoint withdrawalRoad : my brother said ,we Mongolia department can have today ,is the adoptive father giveth ,we have you as his own father ,Nigo Takei gave his father should also not ? , relationresultWang Han alsoargue one time, finally did .
Then sprinkle infants three and accompanied Wang Han and Wanyan Fushou and Wanyan long drink a few cups of wine ,and then go away .Wang Han did not retain .But in the banquet who also did not mention Zhamuhe to .
It seems as if the person from Lei had not appeared .relationresultReturned totheir own tents ,Wanyan Fushou laughs: long ,don this time Caesar gift is too thick ?Mie son ever Department Bitata infants department is much smaller, but gave us the gift but than over Tata who is much larger ,but Wang Han was not out of any force ,why Tetsuki Mamata beat down place half for Wang Han ?Do you think he is really the King Khan as his old father ? , relationresultWanyanlong road : father-in-law I also feel a bit strange ,what do you think ? , relationresultWanyanFushou Road : with the gift ,will is people are ,it seems Zhamuhe and Temujin is really going to fight .
So as to give us a gift ,and promised him rare land ,is hoping to get our friends with ,or at least not to support the Zhamuhe . , relationresultWanyanlong nodded ,admit my view ,Wanyan Fu is long calendar officialdom person ,year reign when he decisively support Wanyan Yong seek success .
On the two array in array ,perhaps not their confrontation, strategic planning ,but to make every move only after mature deliberation ,unique vision ,dr dre beats,political aspects of their own also was far worse .
Asked : father, do you think Wang Hanhui do ? , relationresultWanyanFushou Road : long ,do you think Wang Han is a what kind of person ? , relationresultWanyanlong thought for a while ,before saying : this man a crafty old scoundrel ,and shrewd and deep ,to also is a delicate male ,but selfish desire ,has close concern without foresight .
, relationresultWanyanFushou smiled ,and said: a long look silver ,so I think Wang Han will only sit close to success ,Temujin and Zhamuhe fight like Kilkenny cats ,until the separation results after picking up the losing side ,reap the profits, in order to use the minimum loss to collect the interest ,but if Temujin and Zhamuhe cause destruction to both sides is just the .
, relationresultWanyanlong frowned ,and said: that Wang Han would not have thought ,the winning party will therefore become more powerful ?Maybe you can and Kelie part of why the pavilion .
, relationresultWanyanFushou Road : Wang Han can do this level, the immediate interests will make his vision ,he could not see the situation further development .To be Zhamuhe this man ,what do you think of him ?He and Temujin this battle who will win ? , relationresultWanyanlong road : Zhamuhe this man is meticulous, can take temporary setbacks ,and is good at seizing an opportunity, that is a character .
But I think the man was a matter of some arbitrary, is also a lack of overall consciousness ,such a person must be subject to changing moods ,I doubt he was Temujin opponent . , relationresultWanyanFushou Road : long ,why you look Zhamuhe public .
, relationresultWanyanlong road : Temujin was attached to the Zhamuhe tie A. Lang department ,later forces grew ,implicit has its own situation of competition .This time Zhamuhe or simply as a helping hand to help ,support against King Khan Temujin ,together .
Or simply killed Temujin ,by its feather Ji failing Fontan occasion, one finished, all is finished .But he two not to choose ,but to language together, drive away temujin .Contrary to Temujin and his division ,beats dr dre,went to Wang Han and now also has to contend with Zhamuhe place .
And this time ,we attack Tatar people ,was an invitation to him ,it is also a difficult to chance .But Zhamuhe sent only one may take five thousand people fighting over the Malay ,the Tatar people, profit and small ,but Wang Han and Temujin lucrative, prestige and strength are increased, it is Zhamuhe a blunder ,visible person will act not common sense ,arbitrary, so afraid to enemy too good .
, relationresultWanyanFushou Road : your analysis is good, but in this battle ,Temujin strength is not Zhamuhe ,after Tata son and Mie son for two war horse tired ,this opportunity is Zhamuhe to grasp well, deep and forces of the road ,and now the King Khan was not sent troops to help him ,I see this time as to be dangerous .
, relationresultWanyanlong nodded ,he want to fight not only conforms with the forces of the road you can win ,if things were as a rule of leaf ,then you will not have the unpredictability of life saying ,if common sense to judge ,Yang Yan wouldn successful attack on black mountain .
So this time can break the normal execution ?relationresult**********************************************************************************relationresultJoint withdrawalson returned to Mongolia tribes ,immediately sent for to camp ,Temujin generals have been gathered together ,discuss this time how to deal with Zhamuhe attack .
relationresultAccording tothe spies and get to the club body message ,this time as a Zhamuhe ,Tata son Juji includes the remnants of the tribe alliance ,thirteen ,a total of more than 30000 people . Related articles:

