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Inside, as long as I one make next, need not a day can gather to complete right away.
And same method I also early hand over to others with the nobility special correspondence method, so today of so that Mo many people at 1:00 hesitate all have no stand out to take a stand, don't think that all of them went crazy, but is because early readying to would declare thus to grant force that boy see.
I think he now definitely at for himself the performance today is dark great, but don't know that we have already had a counterplan, ha ha ha"
And in just about time, grant that the martial and over Yan Zhen also returns to grounds and top the officer guard into they discuss tonight take place of matter.
"Eldest sister-in-law, how Mo these people have no such as you say Leng where, but at 1:00 hesitate all have no of uprising mean to agree with, really too not reasonable?Meeting can't be that did you guess wrong?"At the sight of over Yan show Hou, grant that the force then uses to don't understand tone towards her to ask, while the others also have same question, so also finish hoping Yan to show, hope to get solution.
"If I didn't guess wrong, but the counterplan that they should have already definitely understood is" is considering a burst of Hou, the over Yan show immediately after says:"Now that they had already had the words of preparation don't also relate to, anyway we also have a next move to plan and carry on, I don't believe that they still guess of I this recruits!"
"However show son ……" is proper over when the Yan show prepare to speak the next move project the last officer guards interrupt conversation to ask a way:"Take part in for Shi Mo you doing not let ex- eastern pure nobility together coming over?"
"Father's adult, I of so not before letting east the pure nobility come over together is in consideration of these nobility mostly is new nobility of relation, how does the Mo say?
Because previous row gram and east purely and most the Hou is one service Hou, original eastern pure nobility already death and harm almost exhausted, now at east pure oldly of the nobility is mostly a mountain people and past east pure survive down of educated person constitute.
These people have a common characteristics, that is to have no old nobility of quilt to once pollute, also have is that all of them are civilians to be from, can comprehend that the common people need some Shi Mos and disgust some Shi Mos, if make them come over, difficult protect these people can't under the influence of these old nobilities.
The ancients says learn from bad habit for three days well, learn like three years, so I just don't want to make these people come over to have contact with them, the purpose is to don't want to make them learn the bad habit of these old nobilities, so father's adult should understand my meaning?"
"So that's why ……" shows through the over Yan once this Mo explain, public just have already suddenly realized grow a felling, because they all know that the nobility quality will influence a nation of whole development, finish the intuition and concept that the Yan show even has this aspect than them accordingly, and make sure to be predominated a carrying on of project by her more to is right of choice.
"To, show son you haven't said our next moves how the Mo do" in this time, grant that the text suddenly delivers words to ask a way:"Now that you say the preparation having been already had these nobilities, that we now how should the Mo do?Can't really the parties person assassinate them?"
"That is next inadvisable plan, don't do this to think such as the non- necessity" finishes a Yan show to immediately after say at this time:"I think that the meaning that they can't definitely shine on us sends away their private forces now, most probably of treatment is clear to dismiss but secretly break up whole into parts their ground of cloth in own territory, this can have to hand over to treat to us, and can continue to own them, these people still really drill ah~~"
"How does the Mo do?That we today make it not in vain?"Hear the words Hou of finishing the Yan show, grant that the force loses power ground to say:"Harm me still and think eventually the Wu did a piece important event ……"
"Good~ grant force" grants at this time that the shoulder that the text walked over to clap to clap him counteracts encouragement ground tone to say:"If that Mo is simple and then can pull down them, that they this how many decades of nobility not all white dry?
This at last rare experience, let you know someone outside the person, the truth that outside has a sky in the sky, these people aren't us this kind of halfway the person of house can fix of matter, so take advantage o your eldest sister-in-law at of time much learn with her, total compare meet rejection to can not find the proper approach everywhere many strong, be not?"
"Don't speak like this, the somebody else will feel ashamed to say ……" hears grant a crying up of text, finish a Yan show to become pediatric right away female form, at 1:00 all have no previous that vice- smart capable shadow, this lets owner all to she change such of big, but opened a mouth, could not say words.
Finish a Yan show and also discover that their facial expressions contain difference and know right away that oneself is like thousand noodles person's facial expressions to frighten them at this time, so hurriedly transfer a topic and reply capable facial expression to say:"Our next moves are such, give them a month first to give° the business of private force to arrange appropriate Hou, we are beginning ……"
"Wait their decoration is beginning so much?"Hear the words Hou of finishing the Yan show, the over Yan Zhen doesn't understand that the ground asks:"Show an elder sister, if etc. they to ready to is beginning, that opportunity didn't run away, this isn't that reasonable?"
"To ah" and at this time ascend the officer guard also say with the doubt ground tone:"Although I have no your specialty to politics, this how many decades come I see also manily, if shine on you say, let those nobility first the words of cloth good bureau, that do we have to not spend more time to solve?"
"This is the different our viewpoints place" finishes a Yan show to immediately after say with the explanation ground tone at this time:"Father's adult, know if we want to calculate a somebody else, that will defeat the opponent by a surprise move, people could not guess your next move, that this even if succeed half.
Reckon to win after all and more, as long as grasp an opportunity and then pull down the other party at a time is the most important of,Cheap Beats By Dre, as long as canning win, even if also keep on wanting in the mean means, this and the swordsmans emphasising on arms of observance the spirit is run in opposite directions, I know that this can hardly make people accept ……"
"1:00s all can't" grants at this time that the text shakes and immediately after says:"In fact commercial circles also can't aer lot of little than this place, similar is that that Mo is dark, thinks those early years our last officer's house almost drive board of trade in the Zhen house to afflict, if not that China Anne helps, we aren't likely to still stand here now, so what you say we absolute apprehensibility.
The mean person will deal with them with the mean means and deal with nobility is also similar, we of so want to deal with them be because want to make the common people have a nice day to lead, you don't want to have to have scruples about to speak a next move!"
Once the words finish saying, the last officer guards and grant force also nods to mean to approve, so over the Yan show is seeing their facial expression Hous, the positive color ground says:"My project is such, wait until them to fix all matters Hou, we make them come to to greatly move breeze, let their the territory exchange.
For example concealed month city and show off the nobility of the city in day adjust a position, know the rules of empire, have been already naturalized of get a people can not at will change residence, unless the clerk whom the empire gives out just goes.
By so doing, these nobility even if the words thoughted of to revolt, momentary three engrave can't come together enough person's horse as well, and on arriving new territory, being not the persons of each place either will buy their debts and only want to re- build up for own time that the site doesn't know to want how much, we have enough time to slowly deal with them and defeat in detail by that time, by so doing problem whole solution"
"But can't their nobility hand over to the person of next catcher own person's horse?Because oneself also wants the other people's territory to go,they are stupid to can't each other exchange for a while?"Grant the force doesn't understand that the ground asks.
"Certainly, this I have already expected" finishes a Yan show to use explanation ground tone at this time and continues to say:"If you don't forget, these nobilities are very realistic, have to have a direct benefits relation they just are willing to exchange, if hand over to the other people own private force, but the other people don't give him, not is suffer a los?
So we will start from the this place, first for the sake of fear they use territory not and all of name protest, so we want to give° the local nobility territory first to divide out, however the Hou make the article Zhi cutting into many small pieces high big piece territory, however the Hou divide to each other not to the small nobility of dish, immediately after at gather together into a big piece of the territories of these small nobilities to hand over to the article Zhi the nobility of Gao Related articles:

