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Coupled with a large army had just left .The frontier camp guards are slack down .relationresultWithout anywarning, the edge of the camp twelve watchtowers on soldiers ,have an arrow in the fall .
relationresultThe bodyfloor moment ,countless soldiers have crashed through the fence .Flying over the watchtower ,BOT is one of these fighters .But the first few .The cloak is because he is running too fast and fly up ,relationresultInthe enemy just begins to respond time .
relationresultA hugegreen magic appeared in the playground ,with our circulation law array ,appeared on a huge monster .It was dark purple skin ,two thick fours ,support for five meters tall body ,headed into a giant rhinoceros .
A distance ;the beast was like hill .relationresultOriginal scatteredalong the orcs ,like finding targets as fast ,close to the black purple monster behind .Just then ,the border guards also fully organized and completed the resistance forces ;relationresultFornearly two hundred Chhill Warrior Full into the camp one of the biggest buildings ,from the windows to the warriors who bend arrows ,Beats Solo HD.
relationresultAt this time,a huge black purple monster became the best shield .It is under control, in the arrows, protect soldiers stability to the entrenched enemy buildings mobile .
relationresultThismonster ,it is the Imperial Admiral to another only into magical undead minions .Its name is :Zombie dragon .Zombie dragon is big undead warriors ,almost all and necromancer on war ,without their shadow .
relationresultZombie dragonhas a lot of kinds ;the strongest a ;of course is the real dragon corpse summoned zombie dragon .But this is exactly the sort of dream .The dragon as the continent creatures ,only he kills no one killed him !relationresultEveryonehopes to complete a trip ,but historically successful dragon number can be counted on one .
relationresultNigelnever strength dragon Empire ,nor the ability to provide him with the Dragon body .So this one is cover Orc soldier monsters ,only zombie dragon in combat ;the worst one .
relationresultItis a kind of life on the plains of Yalong a corpse ,summoned .Of course, this body was also made special treatment .Basic attributes and greatly enhance the .relationresultHowever,even the corpse in the worst one ,its strength is not small concept ,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com.
relationresultAzombie dragon cannot be measured with money ,as a zombie dragon is only physical treatment to spend a full year of the imperial tax .This is not to zombie dragon soul, must play high Jieyu soul surgery .
This spell costs and require no less than the order of magic !relationresultSuch a dramaticpay in exchange for is the head ;black purple giant monsters ,it can be used to describe the terrorist forces .
relationresultIthas helped the orcs came to the building before, like rain arrows hit the corpse of the dragon .But it didn hurt the behemoth .He didn hesitation moving pace ,elite soldiers also tacit hiding behind it .
relationresultFor a moment,zombie dragon rise steadily in the reservoir with the enemy before the building ,all of a sudden !A large group of yellow light group fell into the front of the building, land .
As this occurs, the land became soft muddy .Black purple monster because of the large body and weight ,the first time into the soil .relationresultStopin front of beast suddenly disappeared ,suffer are behind it a warrior .
Originally the tilt in cadaveric dragons intensive arrow rain .Instant hit in Orc warrior .relationresultFormeris muddy to be ahead of the mire .Is thick arrows .Elite warriors have opened their folding shield ,shield on the head .
For a time ;the building space in front of more than a shield into a pattern .relationresultBOTis thinking what to do !Just the enemy cast this muddy operation is so caustic ;first :it tied dragon .
Second :it removes the orc warrior which directly impact on the arrows of the warrior .Third :in front of the muddy ,also cut off the warriors ,dashing fast building path .relationresultMuddywith not powerful spells ,but at this moment ,the environment there is no more appropriate than the muddy with spell .
The building must have an expert !Black copper in secretly said .relationresultSuddenly,the acoustic character Wenli sound : BOT ,you ? , relationresultNo ,sir ! , relationresultNigelvoice : ,few wire tired now .
Zombie dragon will spout a ,acid properties of pseudo dragon .The pseudo dragon breath will be destroyed completely ,the building that one side face of you .So the enemy arrows will be false dragons breath stop !I ordered :enemy arrows stopped after the first time ,within a building .
, relationresultAdult.But the land muddy muddy operation completely ,we cannot get through ! , relationresultForced through !We have no time to waste ! Speaking voice is indifferent .relationresultBOTwas stunned for a moment ,but now the environment ,does not allow him to think .
He said : Lord, give me time ,I will transfer your command . , relationresultAfter five minutes ,pseudo dragon breath begins !In the prior to the completion of all the preparations ! , relationresultIs , , relationresultIn five minutesrelationresultGiantzombie dragon suddenly raises his head ,then the building suddenly opening ;an enormous mass of bright green liquid from the mouth to gush out ,acid liquid in the air to disperse to building it is acid rain .
relationresultHermiserable howl sound, in the building as one falls to come .The corroded holes around the building wall ,the risk of white smoke .relationresultAt the same time,BOT commands rings: according to my commands ,began to attack !!!! , relationresultWith the sound offalling to the ground ,all Orc warrior stood up fast .
Be in the hands of large shield at the front of the building above the muddy .Then began screaming take-off falls on the shield ,leveraging and then leap forward eroded very negative buildings .
Like a giant frog ,dozens of elite fighters without any casualties arrived at the destination .relationresultBOTto enter the building of the moment, a hand hammer shock toward one end of the aisle ran in after the corner ,when he suddenly stopped .
relationresultWarhammerrapidly mullion frame for a jackal sweep and knife .Then before the enemy do the next action ,black copper Sergeant a kicking knee hit in his abdomen ,Beats Detox. Bang knee pads and ventral tinkle .
The strong impact that jackal stepped back a few paces ,BOT to seize this opportunity ,Warhammer straight poke out .relationresultThe enemyis not a sign of weakness ,but he pulled a Houdini narrowly dodge the hammer .
Right hand does not know how to move a long knife has quick kill orcs sergeant neck .relationresultWiththe knife cut !Talbot didn hide ,he just gave a neck ,helmet guard on the buccal students the way of the sword .
relationresultBang blade and the supporting buccal collision sound has not completely dissipated .BOT the have suddenly one step forward ,the left fist straight probe and hit the enemy hard ,in the chest .
relationresult. relationresultThe forty-six chapter robbery , relationresultThe jackalis fist Jin rushed to the side of the wall ,smashing a thud .The whole people slide down ,ranging from dizziness in the wake of his .
The hammer BOT has smashed the enemy .relationresultNotime splashing a brains and blood .The sergeant quickly turn, left hand grabbed a knife Kanxiang their .The incoming enemies suddenly weapons were locked ,he stared blankly once ;battlefield distraction is fatal error .
BOT is to use Warhammer break the Chhill warriors head ;his side suddenly appeared a figure ;it is on the wall over the BOT head horse .Ally landing moment ,a sword ,cut that has not answered a God to come warriors head . Related articles:

