
monster beats nefit Europe is a Na

Whole day!"The Nai leaf stares Li Yun:"So, is the department Jian of this troops, you must be dressed in a little bit formal."
"BE, BE.I knew."Li Yun sighed an one breath:"If later who married Nai leaf, that can have of Be getting more pleasurable, so fierce."
"Hum, does the Nai foliar future just have no call to elder brother Yun to worry, thin especially, we walk."The Nai leaf summons up cheeks suddenly and very angrily and start to pull thin especially of headed for doorway to walk past.
"Boon?Did I speak amiss what rubbish?"Looking at Nai leaf the spirit shout of leave, Li Yun Nao Nao cheeks, don't understand of looking at fresh breeze.
The fresh breeze looking at the appearance that Li Yun dazes, and the Lin sighed an one breath towards hoping one eye, heavily, this person, have already been getting more beyond hope, however, again associate oneself.
"Is alas ……" fresh breeze sighed an one breath again, the morrow smiled to say to Kai Luo and moxa benefit Europe:"Tomorrow remember and come over earlier."Finish saying and then turn round to walk off.
"Is thin elder sister is poor soul especially,monster beats."Moxa benefit Europe is a Nai very much the leaf worry, after several years, moxa benefit Europe also saw out, own of elder brother Yun, feelings nerve isn't a general big.
"Boon?"The Kai Luo perplexedly looking at the scene of eyes and writes not to understand two words on the face.
"Wu."Think Li Yun of impassability stopped a deliberation:"No matter, Kai Luo, moxa benefit Europe, do you want to stroll first for a while and still keep going home first?"
"I want to stroll first for a while."Moxa benefit Europe raises hand to loudly say.
"But I want first a house of returning elder brother Yun."The Kai Luo has a little saying of Qie Qie.
"All right" Li Yun ordered to nod:"The boy lets girl, go home."
The accident of chapter 4 captain room
", Feel hungry."Li Yun lies on the sofa of the office of fresh breeze nerveless say:"Came too urgently in the morning, even the breakfast didn't come of eat."
"Is aha! to admire ……who made you don't live yesterday to give up a this place in the brigade?"The fresh breeze in a soft voice smiled for a while and took to make fun of on the face of meaning.
"Boon?But you have no I want of cook a meal food material, down to date just good enough?"Li Yun swayed to sway head:"Go to dining room and take a bread to eat under my etc., the words say back, can the true Kui find out small table used in Lin, seldom rare."
"BE."The Lin dauts own table very happily and looks to have to exclusively transact position to make her very excited.
The bell ring of "Di Di Di ……" doorway rang.
"Come in."Fresh breeze toward doorway should 1.
"It Be getting more disrespectful."Two female voices wore, Nai leaf and thin walked to come in at the same time especially, 2 people be dressed in army's uniform at the same time and wore in the military salute on the body to make 2 people seem to be healthy and energetic.
"Hey, Nai leaf, thin especially."Li Yun raises a hand and beat hello:"The leaf of the Nai took something to eat for me?"
"Boon."The Nai leaf shook to shake head:"Have no, has elder brother Yun never bought thing to eat?"
"Is thin especially?"Li Yun will hope the vision of wing to change direction thin hope to can take out a thing for eating from the body from her to be especially.
Was thin to do to smile to shake to shake head especially, took apology on the face:"Execuse me, I didn't also take."
"BE?"What Li Yun Ruan lay prone kept on pouring:"Starve me ……calculate."Li Yun suddenly leaped, will have been being observing his three females to get a fright.
"I went to I and sought thing to eat."Li Yun flicked to wave hand and picked up the coat that handy army's soldier packs to wear well, just a raised feet drive thin called especially.
Is thin to walk to come forward especially, help Li Yun Zheng the whole collar of dress, sighed tone:"Be really of, the ties all fasten not good."
"Ha ha ……" Li Yun touched touch thin especially of head, say with smile:"Thank you, thin especially."Feel Li Yun Shou's warmth, thin especially of face not from of Be getting reder.
After treating Li Yun to walk, it is thin to return to absolute being from the blush with shame especially, that for an instant, thin felt two satisfied visions with the murderous look especially.
Quickly put like a posture of defense, thin meticulously return especially overdo looking at 2 people.
"Is thin especially ……" Nai foliar voice just like spread generally from nine Yous, the hazy felling lets thin especially of neck a cool.
"Stem of really like."The fresh breeze is looking at with the same vision thin especially, in the eye nowise what to cover up is a little bit thick to thickly envy, regret oneself at the same time why have no a little bit active, let thin especially compete first.
"Wait.Wait bottom."Is thin the very weak openings is especially:"You listen to me explaining ……"
"The question and answer is useless!!!"The Nai leaf makes a pounce upon thin push her to on the sofa especially:"Fresh breeze!!!"
"Oh!!!"The fresh breeze and Nai leaf cooperates for the first time, the victim was thin especially, fresh breeze finger vividly at thin especially armpit and waist was continuously to flee.
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha……"The laughter that can not suppress spread out from is thin especially of, the fresh breeze the slightest didn't stay the viewpoint of hand, and hand drive Nai the leaf grasp tightly, thin can not also flounce especially.
"I ……I am getting wronger, ha ha ha ……next time ……next time ……we ……Ha ha ha ha……Together ……"thin especially continuously twist have already developed mature body, the facial expression on the face is so fascinating, because smile too crazily, the tearses all drop out from is thin especially of the eye.
"Is still not enough, fresh breeze, continue."The Nai leaf starts to raise mouth and continues to orderany fresh breeze.
"Hand over to me!!!!"The fresh breeze takes off thin especially of shoes, make an effort to hold tight thin especially of feet, this action lets thin especially of start to be suffused with one preparing of silk not known feeling in the heart, ???
The fresh breeze draws out a pen and use cap of pen at thin especially of arch Nao get up.
"Dining room, dining room."Li Yun is continuously to looking at the sign of road, look for to go to the road of dining room.
"Mr. Li Yun!!"A vocal cord wear the male voice of surprise is from Li Yun of back spread out, Li Yun turned head to hope to go, the hair of a head of lavender and a glasses starts to hang up Li Yun's recollection.
"The space benefit Fei Si?"Lookinging at of Li Yun surprise the space benefit Fei Si:"You also in six sections?"
"BE!The invitation that is very grateful for eight absolute being total captains, I serve as the adjutant of eight absolute being captains in six sections now."The space benefit Fei Si sees Li Yun is also one face happy expression:"Originally that mysterious department Jian is Mr. Li Yun!"
"Is mysterious?"Start to emit a few question marks on Li Yun Tou, don't understand of looking at the space benefit Fei Si.
"BE, everyone at allege that mysterious department Jian the true identity of."The space benefit Fei Si very polite answer.
"BE?Ignore those first, can you tell me where dining room is?My belly is very hungry."The Li Yun Yi's face bitter color looking at the space benefit Fei Si.
"Is all right, I take you to go."The space benefit Fei Si is stired by Li Yun's air of smiled for a while, fore the noodles starts leading the way.
"To, the personnel of six sections prepared how?"Road up, Li Yun curiously asks a way.
"Boon, already all arrive together, everyone doesn't know now of is a department Jian brigade."The space benefit Fei Si says with smile:"It is said that there are 3 people, there are also two subordinates that should be Mr. Li Yun?"
"Yes, they went shopping now, probably soon will come back."Li Yun Yi lifts up head and sees dining room two big words:"Finally find out."
"Why don't you look into map?"The space benefit Fei Si is very interrogative of looking at Li Yun.
When the space benefit Fei Si speaks this sentence, the Li Yun's body sudden Jiang lived.
"Is aha! to admire ……" Li Yun touched touch a head and embarrassedly smiled:"I buy a bread and want under your etc. with fresh breeze to report and wait me for a while, I with you together past."
"Okay, all right."The space benefit Fei Si ordered to nod.
"……Always not ability Related articles:

