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The world chapter 305 matches with tacit understanding
Cross a Kingsoft to the east would be limitless steppe, an is low slow of the mound distribute in this wide plain on, the high mountain melted water to form a brook and wound around to flow to drip between the mound, at a time when Mu spring, the amount of water is ample, the water current is flowing rapidly, a group of cluster of cow sheep leisurely and carefreely eats grass in the river bank, this take is return to He to pull out wild thou department of site, pull out wild thou the department is about more than 50,000 persons, distribute in the Kingsoft to the east of in the wide Mao land.
A tent far far it is thus clear that, herd the people to live a leisurely and carefree but quiet life here, this sky noon, the afar appeared a black line, a vastly and mightily of the troops appeared, it are frightened to herd the people discomfort, they loudly threaten and receive family, a group of herding dogs barked wildly to hurtle up.
The Cui Gan blesses to sign a horse to stare at several hundred tents in the distance, is a small tribe that the He pulls out a wild thou department here, depend Kingsoft recent, he turns head to make a way:" Cloth emperor that.Hand over to you!"
Cloth emperor that pulls out to fight knife, the Yao points a tent, and one drinks low:"Kill!"
Fight a horse to dash about, the murderous look burst out, several thousand ride a soldier with Luo to pull out to fight knife, flick the knife kills to go to the herding people who rushes to escape, the old grudge is in this a moment savings on the knife, all over the place the turn kills but goes to.
The clan debt that pulls out an ancient wild department is located in a Kingsoft to the east 200 inside place, a big river wears to flow but leads from the steppe, the ranch is plentiful here the United States, gathered to reside to count a myriad people, is pull out an ancient wild department this place.
At the moment, pull out an ancient wild department top and bottom drive fear of atmosphere cover with, Ge Luo Lu, together Luo and sand Tuo three troops cross the news of Kingsoft have already spread to here, in the big debt, pull out big Tribal chief of ancient wild department history that Yan such as hot ant of pot, urgently must pace to and fro, he has already received more than ten news with unfortunates, the place led by enemy soldier, cut his clansmen to the utmost and kill extremely, old man's women and children are an all don't pass, result in today situation like this is also history that starts to anticipate to cannot compare with, at last time successful after, he is just preparing to again organize troops to left for to challenge, but have never thought the other party of revenge unexpectedly is thus quick and horrifying, let more he worries of is a Ge Luo Lu, together Luo and sand Tuo the consociation of three tribes, form a great power, far and far isn't that he pulls out ancient wild 1 can deal with.
He has already plea for help from the khan of Ge Lei.But far water the difficult solution is near thirst, return to He soldier the main force arrive to still have to be ten at least, can enemy's soldier already of the utmost urgency.
The report believes a soldier also there is no latest news spreading, but history how can anyone know way, ride a soldier to the steppe, 200 inside the road Be just a day, enemy's soldier will kill at any time, can his tens of thousands tribe don't move out so quickly, even if move out, support the old and carry young, take flock of sheep, also be soon caught up by enemy's soldier, how should do now?
Regret deeply and anxious make history that of the heart have already hanged in the throat eye, at this time, the debt unauthorized biography comes hurriedly of rush a voice.
"Big Tribal chief!"
Is a report letter the person's voice, the orotund scare makes thousand times history that of the heart almost want to stop escaping, he guesses unclearly, the shocking news will soon arrive.
"The enemy's forward brigade leaves us here already shortage 30 inside."
"When Lang!"
History that lance in the hand fall to the ground, he is foolish to sign on the spot, already too late.A long time, he suddenly wide awake, become mad outside rush to go to the debt, brandish arm to loudly yell.
"Escape quickly!Tent and none of flock of sheep wanted and fled for life quickly!"
But flock of sheep and tent are the lifes that herds a people, they who also can not let go the property that they rely for existence, having no a person is willing to let go of wealth and properties to flee for life.
History that sees crisis of the utmost urgency, he has no to choose and has to issue order a way:"Blow number, prepare to squared!"
"Blare~" clarion call blew to ring, this was the number voice that calls to pull out ancient wild department warrior, a group of brigadeses ride the soldier rushes from each tent, is remitted by the trickle small river on paying violent troops, 10,000 ride a soldier whole pack due-out.
Don't arrive a hour, the associated forward then appears in the end of steppe, forward from 6,000 ride a soldier to constitute, the vanguard great commander is a Ge Luo the prince of the Lu strive for a sting to think Han and battle at this allied troops in, Ge Luo Lu person Qing bag and, provided 300,000 sheep as provisions for army, and they to in order to acquaint with, Kingsoft most so they battle at this allied troops in had an important function, even the forward soldier is also served as by them.
Strive for a sting to think Han to far and far conjecture several thousand tents of distance, pull out an ancient wild department incredibly don't move out, really make to strive for sting to think Han to feel surprised, they Ge Luo Lu person and pull out an ancient wild department beat for several decades of hand over a way, they each other understands into deeply and pulls out original more than 20,000 persons of troops of ancient wild department, but fore the year is inflicted a heavy losses on by the northern court soldier behind.Pull out an ancient wild department troops at most also only more than 10,000 persons.
More than 10,000 persons incredibly dare match with 60,000 allied troops and strove for a sting to think Han to sneer at a , from overestimate own ability, pull out a replying of ancient wild department to put out at at present,www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com.
"Slow down to march!"
Strive for a sting to think Han one make next, 5,000 forward soldiers slowed down speed, their distance pulled out an ancient wild department the debts still have 78 inside, 10,000 pull out an ancient wild soldier have been already fought, their in file marches and have been making of the enemy squared since then.
Strive for a sting to think once the Han wave hand, the battalion stopped a step, he coldly looked at to pull out an ancient wild soldier to come forward and peeped out in the vision cold of smile an idea, pull out an ancient wild soldier to leave their big camps already five inside, at this time, the north spreads a Gao Kang clear clarion call, the big brigade and Luo rides a soldier to burst upon in being apart from a big camp shortage two in of low slow hillock.
Cloth emperor that flicks to fight knife, bad malicious yell:"Kill!"
The big current that is around ten thousand to ride soldier Yan to collapse such as the dike shore, to in a great panic herding people old young take everything away.
Pulling out of this place ancient wild Tribal chief history that is surprised the afraid heart split, he suddenly realizes that he fell into trap, the riding of enemy soldier has already hurtled into after camp, the crying of old man kid shouts the screech that the voice, women are bullied, various be killed of bellow a voice this that Fu.
Pull out the troops of ancient wild department a burst of greatly disorderly.Being young green is strong witness wife son the parents be massacred, they as wild beast ground crazy call, stare blood-red eyes try very hard to to return to rush through, history that has already not controled to live troops, more than 10,000 troops in a twinkling collapse, and he knows that the general situation has been already gone and adjusts a head and then escapes.
Striving for a sting to think Han to observe circumstances will come and then turn head to greatly drink:"The cow sheep woman allows you to seize and have been already taken history that person head, appreciate sheep 2,000!"
5,000 Ge Luo the Lu rode a soldier to suddenly launch, they shouted to kill an earthquake for sky.To collapse of pull out an ancient wild soldier fierce rush toward but go to, at this time, on all sides think of a clarion call, the sand Tuo department, the Ge Luo Lu department and Tang Jun from on all sides surround since then, pulling out the ancient wild department has already had no road to escape.
The allied troops without restraint kill, billowing on person's head of steppe, corpse horizontal several insides, young green strong at bellow voice in be killed, the women are bullied, old man none of kid passes, this war kills blood become river, wretched and matchless, greater half's pulling out ancient wild men is all killed.
When the battle gradually quells, a group of brigadeses dress Shan not whole young women's weeping and sniffling is led long by the cordage, there are more than 4,000 persons, they and the number became war booty together by 100,000 cow sheep, the steppe tribe treated woman as property, this is they multiply greatly population of must, and stay towards growing up a reasonable kid, they also can'ting, they will become the source head of old grudge.
At this time, a brigade rides a soldier to lead long big cluster of Gan that the men and women are old little to arrive at Cui to bless right away and reports to report:"Cui general, this is to pull out wild nobility of thou and their wife and children, totally 352 people."
The Cui Gan blessed Pie their one eye, cold way:"Is a don't stay, all kill off!"
The striving for of flank stabs black mountain to see in have many good-looking young woman of growings, then come forward to say with smile:"Cui general rather appreciates the woman of inside to me."
The Cui Gan blesses horsewhip distance of several thousand women way:"There woman, you want how much, I give you how much, but the nobility woman don't go, they will become future trouble, bearer, kill off for all of me!"
He one make next, the big cluster of soldier pulls out knife blunt come forward fierce chop down, listens to the one cry to shout to bellow a voice, a short moment is then silent to come down.All nobility sons and daughters' aring a not to stay ground all is killed.
The Cui Gan blesses to see strive for to stab black mountain noodles to take a regret, short cut:"Strive for to stab big Tribal chief, if you want to do steppe male eagle, don't be like rooster and bear in mind constantly to a few women, if you destroyed time He and returned to wife Qie all of me of He khan to appreciate to you."
Strive for to stab black mountain exultation, way:"The words of general, I stuck down!"
Cui Gan's blessing to see annihilation to pull out an ancient wild department one war has already obtained complete victory and then orderanies an or so way:"Put pigeon letter, report to the great commander soldier!"
Two well-known scholar the soldier open pigeon cage, a few pigeon sons rush toward Leng Leng to fly up the sky and hovered around 2 turns in the sky and faced west south to flap wings to rise to fly.
Finish cleaning up battlefield, the Cui Gan blessed to assign war booty, each one sent person to send war booties, such as woman and cow sheep...etc. in succession rear, the battalion temporarily rests integral for day, the Cui Gan blesses and sends a person to left for the Xia Ga Si contact, the invitation suffers a He person to once oppress of the this person of Xia Ga together take the offensive return to He.
After three days, battalion pulls out and continue toward the east vastly and mightily but go.
To after returning to He battle and breaking out, Li Qing An has already left a northern court to return to a turtle, although strike against the main force of He once is a Ge Luo Lu, together Luo and sand Tuo is three troops and horseses,after all Tang Jun also sends army 6,000, and Tang Jun is the predominance of battle this time.
At to some extent that, Li Qing An has more the suspicion of power, at the beginning Li Long Ji promises of just to big food battle he has in an emergency the place changes of power, didn't include He once, certainly, he can say is return to He Be assaulted to a northern court first, can also say He once and greatly food collaborate with, or return to He and vomit Fan to collaborate with, in fine can find out to enough lend, as for his lend can be accepted by Li Long Ji, the key is by the side of the Jian soldier make truly of report up.
The side makes truly in Anne's west and has been foolish nearly for eight years and often acquaints with to Anne Western Africa, he experiences man to receive to work properly three term stanza degrees, such as Cha, Gao Xian Zhi and Li Qing An...etc. to make and speak of to him to return be regarded as a more reasonable person, in Anne's west didn't ask for a person to hate too much, also didn't easily beat toward Li Long Ji small report, private tell a stanza degree to make of irregular, certainly, this has something to do with side's canning satisfy the truly a certain desire.
The side makes to is an eunuch truly, the eunuch's physiology characteristics destined the business family that they don't have normal person, it pursued, they have special fondness for, including Gao muscle man to the wealth and properties, he serves Li Long Ji for several decades and has become hundred million wealth of big highest rank Tang.
The side makes is also similar truly, he has already extremely arrived to the money's being addicted to of situation, he at Anne west eight years, even he all didn't know Lian by himself how much money, he is now there a huge house at the turtle, Li Qing An sent the year before last year 1,000 non-commissioned officers are in his house the bottom digs a huge underground warehouse, is all granite to spread to carve, in fill up a side make truly various gold and silver valuables, he even no longer knows how to chase they luck return to China, and once being understood by Li Long Ji, his valuables necessarily will be deprived almost exhausted, he is just a temple Nu, which entitle to own wealth, all of his wealths are the host's properties.
More the importance is truly backstage Gao muscle man that the side makes have been already poured, but the fish of the in power dynasty the boon relate to with him extremely bad, at the beginning he and fish dynasty the boon battle out to Anne west the power of the Jian soldier, he is to defeat fish with a kind of not only colourful means dynasty boon, the eunuches all record the person of enemy, fish dynasty boon if know he has so much money, will pass him?
And ever since that time Gao muscle man after being devaluated, Li Long Ji to they the report of these Jian soldiers had already far and far worse than before to value, formerly after being his[one] letter to send out, definitely will have a letter in reply, can now answer the letter have no, temple middleman says, fish dynasty the boon didn't get this power, the neglected domestic affairs of Li Long Ji, to their reports is to thought of just try and ask, peacetime root be stop one's ears.
Is also say, he has already become a superfluous person quickly, probably will be abolished at any time, even if don't abolish, once the fish dynasty boon controls the Jian soldier management power, that his side also is a head the truly nice day, this makes side make to have a kind of precarious felling truly, and this made him think greatly of money more.
Probably is the function of wealth that Li Qing An sends money, the side makes truly with Li Qing An of have already formed a kind of tacit understanding, the side makes and can't leaves a turtle truly and all basically now city, Anne each battles of the west occurrence, he is to send the under charge complete, then is gathered by him and reports to Li Long Ji, these the report all basically be advantageous to Li Qing An and vomited a Fan soldier to have toward the evidence of little Bo rhyme soldier particularly two months ago, he in fact has no dependable basis, is also listen to Anne western the report of the soldier patrol delivers a message to Li Long Ji, this is a kind of tacit understanding, and he knows that Li Qing An needs it this report.
So Li Qing An comes to find out him today, he then knows, he needs with Li Qing An's tacit understanding once again and reported toward Li Long Ji.
However this time and formerly again some dissimilarity, reason is three days ago, celebrated Wang Li Cong to also come to Anne's west to go to assume office, also in the turtle city, this more or less lets the side make to feel truly a silk difficult.
In the side make truly of den in, Li Qing An just grasps candle with him to talk for night and celebrates the king's arrival and comes up to say and threatens their 2 people's benefits from a certain angle and makes their 2 people walk in the same front.
"Great commander soldier, return to He different vomit Fan with big eat, return to He and big Tang Su come on good terms, once they know Tang Jun also sends army takes the offensive to return to He, by all means will sue in court to the imperial government, imperial government of query will arrive very quickly, I feel that this matter great commander soldier didn't handle well, the great commander soldier should not send army, sends ten several famous generals to get to serve as a chief commander then can, like this return He can not grasp either what hold, no matter how they tell, also basically not influence a great commander soldier."
Li Qing An is also tiny tiny a sigh a way:"I ever don't think it's such, can if there is no Tang Jun's participation, together Luo their three foreign soldiers don't necessarily return to the He person's opponent, I also worry!"
Make reference to this, Li Qing An takes out a letter from the bosom and passes to make for side to say with smile truly:"This is to vomit the evidence that Fan and time He collaborates with, drive my side the soldier hold tight their scout to get and hand over to the imperial government this letter and explain again is return to He the person challenge previously, I think so can explain I why want to returned to He to launch troops, this actually can go on wheel for the sake of vomiting Fan battle, so also at last vomit a part of Fan battle."
The side makes to open letter to took a look truly, letter to vomit Fan greatly theory still interest east great write to the letter of He once, is use to vomit Fan text and time He text to write, below still have interest east to still greatly escort to print, the side makes truly a bit half believe and half doubt, he doubts that this letter is that Li Qing An is forged, however even if is forged, return to He the person also have difficult a people to argue, after all is previously that they cross the border to begin,
The side makes to wanted to want and then say with smile truly:"There is this letter, we then can give an account to the saint, the great commander soldier in fact isn't to strike against He once, but teach to cross the border to challenge of pull out an ancient wild department, so the great commander soldier would send army to be in conjunction with a battle, does the great commander soldier think that like this reporting to tell toward the saint is good?"
Li Qing An also wanted to think a way:"The Jian soldier might as well add one more words, we mainly for prevent°froming He once pulling out an ancient wild department to take advantage o Anne west soldier and start revolt while vomiting Fan battle, influence the general situation of vomiting the Fan battle, so just send army a Kingsoft to the east, build up Kingsoft defense line."
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