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I to circle head recently fall overboard for the behavior of developing the bio-chemical monster and special reformation type soldier don't agree with very much, the ice Xin has been thinking.Even if with borrow currently the war capability of western thou country.Also good enough to with conquer greater half Milky Way, don't need to depend on those disgusted things.
Think of before setting out.See of that is just a person of X graduate school who is many to build up before the month, those small scaled bio-chemical monsters that pack in the development box, the shape is ferocious disgustedly medium-sized bio-chemical monster and body figure the largely large bio-chemical monster transport the last battleship, the ice Xin feels those the thing isn't only disgusted, but also the milli- is nonsense, from half years much Luo's galaxy was big sky of the day before yesterday moxa gram Si group in Luo City the headquarters took place of bio-chemical crisis affairs to see, those the bio-chemical monster could say to completely is a cannon fodder, train have vegetable ground the soldier completely could lean against well-trained match to exterminate them by the lowest harm.
"Ten almightinesses cruise a warship, 100 fourth generation war apes, 200 fourth generation blade claw Tang, insect type missile set the bio-chemical monster is 400, 5,000 drills a hole a cutthroat insect, 10,000 bio-chemical bomb dragonflies, plus 800 special reformation soldiers again.The troops of "the far X cautiously considers war capability contrast, " other party is mostly five medium-sized destroyers, the elite soldier belonged to by 600 judgment troops, plus five use variations war the super superior of A.Although we don't have the more violent super warrior,the war capability like this should be also all right already."
The far X is tiny and stirs up oneself and delivers Shao of tiny and red and shallow black short hair, wrinkly the eyebrows cautiously consider this battle task of not reasonable of place, want to kidnap the spoilt daughter of a rich family of myth group, and want and conveniently test the ability of the new generation bio-chemical monster and super reformation soldier, oneself once saw in the X graduate school the fighting strength of those bio-chemical monsters play and show, is just that this battle order have conflict very much.
If needs to kidnap that woman, that should soon fight soon definitely and suddenly assault by elite troops, the most rapid degree the Tu arrest a target to quickly withdraw into the target location.This is also the far X to choose in the neighborhood of earth's surface, reason near the target destination not far region performance battle plan.
Because if in the target from jump up to the demon star this cosmos flight path, the troops of the other party must be high security, who all know time that pass that flight path is BE most easily assaulted by pirate, and now destination near the target of, the other party will definitely because will be safe to arrive destination right away, and relax a mindset, the alert will also weaken.This time is the best raid opportune moment.
Just battle in the order and still hint to have to test most new generation bio-chemical monster and just threw in the fighting strength of the super reformation soldier of actual operation.But if want to test the fighting strength of those things, need long time of keep on combat, so as to collect to test a data, investigate its war power.This has to prolong to battle time and drag along into protracted warfare.
These two orders absolutely is completely run in opposite directions, far and really don't understand an always astute circle the military tactics that need to be adopted head thou especially why does Luo agree the battle plan of such a birdbrain.And still sent the colonel ice Xin of a soldier department to keep watch on himself/herself,www.headphones-fashion.com, although ice Xin I am candid in saying that he is mainly an assistance conductor to put forward a suggestion, and be responsible for the war capability that investigates bio-chemical monster and super reformation soldier.
But this kind of situation always makes it a rule to high-handed, trust oneself far above the trust doesn't acquaint with of the far X of subordinate to speak, make him feeling very uncomfortable.
"Is original these two year inside, I still feel that this can make me follow, however see now, his seeming is not the object that is worth depending on either, seeing to me still keep being suited for to do a mercenary soldier of free type, but being not suitable for to do an others is next to get."
The far X lightly dauts to accept the wing of Long Die to sit on two wing demons on the oneself's knee, "if, the promise see to us soon after and then be starting wandering about again."Two wing demons don't know the host's annoyance and regrets, light hair gold elder sister's promise of the Tong gentle and softly pacifies the cheery younger sister of the Tong of pink hair color silver if, if just for host half the hour has never accompanied they to play a finger tug-of-war game but is livinging stuffy air.
"Also saved many money for these two years just, should enough and for a while spend to sell.Complete this task first, then silently leave."The far X secretly descended to settle decision and orderanied correspondent to send out whole fleet confidential communication, " prepares to carry on an A plan, with the strongest storm power of raid, most the in a short time whole Jian four escort warships of the opponent, carry on after strong offend to connect Xian to ascend a warship of war, capture a first target.The whole battle time has to complete within 40 minutes, otherwise the southern Yu principality planet safety escort brigade of neighborhood will arrive to, concretely attackstone time to wait for my order and complete."
The far X arranges good battle plan and schedules to, pacify a short while two wing demons, then put them into they and living a body war A back the livinging of specially made body Cang in, in addition to oneself, he doesn't believe anyone, oneself cares of thing must the prison prison control in the he or she's hand, this is far always of persist.
"As long as the battle plan can not also complete smoothly 35 minutes, I immediately withdraw, lazy must take care of the living of these bio-chemical monster and reformation soldiers, anyway will someone be responsible for tidying up a mess."The far dozen settled idea.
At this time in the aviation harbor greet Lee of the Si of the moxa Fu Ni wheat especially and in fine threads just ascended that spoilt daughter of a rich family's flagship.
At port heel in fine threads contact in, the moxa Fu Ni wheat Si the different meeting is drawn on by in fine threads this almost perfect female elegant appearance, different meeting heel in fine threads mutually talk very happy, and the passionate invitation is in fine threads with the V.I.P room rest that Lee gets into flagship especially, together rush through into already quickly complete of the Eden propagate city and participate in the news conference that will hold.
Certainly moxa Fu Ni mainly is invite in fine threads, Lee especially however because this spoilt daughter of a rich family's poise be just conveniently invited.
"Looking the in fine threads magic power is really no man to block, men and women's kills."Lee inwardly feels deeply about in the heart especially and moved forward to ascend the moxa Fu Ni wheat the Si is that luxurious and practical flagship.

.The cn Volume 5 chapter 8 finds(ten day in a row wildly and more 9000 above tears beg a monthly ticket)
Renew time:2009-11-1515:53:55 chapter word numbers:3778

In the flagship"tulip" of the moxa Fu Ni wheat Si, Lee boringly sits especially the V.I.P room corner started to carry coffee to drink an one mouthful and hoped toward the sky out of the porthole, his shoulder of small rare hope to then pass communication of the channel silently discuss an in fine threads topic especially with Lee.
" Especially, do you feel jealous?That moxa Fu Ni the spoilt daughter of a rich family look like a rightness of in fine threads elder sisters have much of good will, perhaps will want and go to the myth group to her head hunting."Is small rare rare intentionally draw on Lee especially of attention.
"Slice, that also wants her to dig walk, in fine threads but my house of."Although say so in mouth, Lee still cannot helps but seeing especially central toward the V.I.P room, the in fine threads positive looks is perfect of and that is supercilious of spoilt daughter of a rich family talk to smile breeze to living, occasionally from some speech phrases that they spread, the Yao is some professional management technical terms, Yao is what art discuss, elegant appreciate the contents of etc., Lee listens to especially a burst of head is big, complete completely ignorant, put not last mouth also not want to be interjectory, have to hide a corner heel small rare rare chitchat.
Is small rare rare past make a mysterious way:"Hear, the woman who have also likes a woman and call what bulb of lily come, I see moxa Fu Ni that extravagant rightness of the in fine threads elder sisterses are so passionate, you see you see and all wanted a break into laughter flower to come on her face, which be like to your shape of so cold Ao iceberg ah, you say, this myth group will the spoilt daughter of a rich family can't be that legendary bulb of lily?"
Lee has no listenning to of language especially small rare rare of Miu theory:"You this runt learn what not good, particularly learn these, I warn you, prohibit a business of studying this aspect again."
Is small rare rare vomit:"This is because the butterfly female always inquires me the business of this aspect, I adopt to investigate data of."
"Anne Ya Wen why this?"Lee feels very strange especially.
"Because that calls the female doctor of Zhao Feng usually the heel butterfly female carry on video frequency communication ah, occasionally instill some strange words with her, have of east Related articles:

