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, I send you back . Even asked several times ,dr dre beats,strict are the core does not answer, mouth vague ,also do not know what to say ?This Yang Yan on to hard, now patterned floor lights holographic ,apparently closed ,is not likely to give in strict pistil .
And you don Rui Yan lived there ,do you want to go to the strict pistil home ,but you can .relationresultAll of a suddenbreeze had sprung up ,followed by a four air ,the surrounding scenery are illuminated .
The land became a piece of darkness .Then I heard a dull thunder ,immediately there is rain fell .relationresultYang Yan wasthat bad ,really house leakage slants meet rain drenching rain even oneself to does not matter ,but strict Ruizheng drunk ,if the rain will be a serious illness .
Now I go there to hide to shelter from the rain ?relationresultThe lightis flashing, the whole ancient building head street lighting up a bright .Tall ancient bell building still visible .
Yang Yan hearts ,now the ancient bell upstairs to a shelter .The rain has been more and more, Yang Yan also not fine excuse ,to hold a strict pistil ,to the ancient bell building ran .
relationresultListen only slightly . a loud thunder ,followed by the sound of a dense up ,hit the ground ,hit the roof ,eaves beginning .relationresultThat was a close shave, that was a close call, but one step early on this ancient bell building ,or such a big rain get soaked through .
Yang Yan will be a strict pistil down, can not help but have a lingering fear .relationresultEarlier that thethunder has been awakened by the strict pistil .Then she had a more sober ,but also feel headache .
Eyes only see dimly dark .Wondering :what is this place .I feel someone to hold their own .relationresultSuddenlya bright eyes ,all according to a snow-white, suddenly being startled ,after the lightning, immediately went into the darkness .
She was not at the time ,listen only slightly . a loud thunder ,deafen the ear with its roar ,even the whole ancient bell building seemed to fibrillation in general .Rui Yan also scared screamed, his hands clutching the recognition, shaking into one .
relationresultYang Yan saw herto be so scared ,also can not help but feel pity idea ,hand Lanzhu Rui Yan ,and track: just thunder ,don . , relationresultTheelbow rain increased ,hitting the tile surface, making intensive sound ,as if to break the general tile .
Thunder and lightning was then a strict pistil ,all huddled in the Yang Yan arms, or fibrillation do not have .The moment she is not that beautiful ,that covers JINGWAH all prostitutes ,but a common ,the need to protect the puny woman .
relationresultYang Yanremembered in the home of the tassels ,her this time is it right? Is thunder Sturnus awake ?As long as it is when his own at home ,every time when this stormy night ,she is also the home to hide in his arms .
But now there are several maid with her, must not afraid of thunder .I think, suddenly thought of Zhao Qianru ,not knowing this stormy night she is such as to survive ?But the thought of Zhao Qianru on their love ,Yang Yan not Sheng was a intimate affection to .
relationresultHowever,there was now a shadow of his rising from Yang Yan ,a heroic bright white silver maple ,a shadow .Don she would not be afraid of thunder ?Yang Yan suddenly startled, why I imperceptibly think of Zhao Yueru ?But the tassels ,Zhao Yueru Zhao Qianru ,the shadow of three people but turns in Yang Yan flash pill ,Yang Yan shook his head emphatically ,unwilling to think .
relationresultSummer thunderstormscome and go very quickly ,but half an hour later, others, Tingyu lived .The moon also was breaking through clouds ,flashing bright brilliant .relationresultCool and refreshing breezewith abundant water vapor blowing into the Bell Tower and Drum Tower .
God is please clear ,then Rui Yan makes a lo ,from the Yang Yan arms .At this time her wine already awake half, although the head still have some pain ,but the heart has been completely understood .
Suddenly found himself is being held,cheap dr dre beats, heart rate ,he struggled up ,exclaimed : you ... Who is it. , relationresultYang Yandao: don I you get drunk ,remember ? , relationresultRui Yanstarted : I was drunk .
Try to recall ,remember some Yilinpianzhua to .The moonlight looked around the environment ,attention upon Yang Yan : here ... What is this place? You are ... You ... You yang ..
. , relationresultShewas recognized himself ,Yang Yan was relieved ,said: right, I Yang yan .Here is the Bell Tower and Drum Tower, just you on the street was very drunk, it began to rain ,so I brought you here to avoid a shelter, now you remember ? , relationresultHearing what he said,a few scattered fragments in strict pistil head finally run up ,though it is not very clear ,but also could remember about the ,beats by dre uk.
My heart is very grateful to Yang Yan, the body still remember lying Yang Yan arms that kind of warm feeling ,can his face red said: I must be very rude to count, but thanks for young adults .
, relationresultYang Yandao: Rui Yan girl ,don .The drunk man ,who can afford to those .It was I met ,there is not reason . Voice stops, two people don what to say ,all of a sudden silence .
relationresultAfter a while,the strict Ruili temples ,said: what time is it now ? , relationresultYang Yan lookedout of the window in the sky ,said: about dawn ,Rui Yan girl ,by now the day before dawn ,I send you back ?If you wait until after dawn ,people are out, you see me like this ,only park do not well .
, relationresultRui Yanthinks also is ,said: . Then arose .Unfortunately, her heart while clear ,but the foot but also with floating ,faltered a few steps ,leaning on the wall before a firm .
relationresultYang Yan smilea strict pistil ,walked to the side, and held her and said: the way you do ?Let me love you ! It just her mind also took hold ,also held ,to carry her back to even .
relationresultRui YanFu in Yang Yan back ,as he is on the roof between landing leap ,only feel like floated fog .The hearts of the rising of a strange feeling ,feel on the face have a fever ,the heart is also not good bumper jump .
Is make blind and disorderly conjectures ,unsettled when suddenly stopped ,Yang Yan ,said: Yan Rui girl ,is here ? , relationresultRui Yanlooks, it is to live in their own square .
Heart slightly disappointed ,just feel that time flies faster .But from Yang Yan backs down ,said: ,thank you sir send me back . , relationresultYang Yan: he nodded so strict pistil girl you go back and rest, I go first .
And turned to go .relationresultRui Yansaid: please wait . , relationresultYang Yandao: Rui Yan girl ,you have what thing ? , relationresultRui Yangritted his teeth ,and said: this night is really thank you sir upon strict pistil ,even today, tomorrow please adults in any case also want to square one ,strict Ruilve preparation of Beaujolais ,thanks a lot ,but good? , relationresultYang Yandao: is a small thing ,and lack of a tooth ,I don need it ! , relationresultRui Yanpull up Yang Yan ,fibrillation channel : ,is it right? You despise me the fireworks woman ?Don turned his back on me ? , relationresultYang Yanstartled, at Rui Yan cloud scattered ,face was haggard ,a pair of eyes in the faintly shining tears ,a pair of delicate and touching way, the heart a soft ,couldn refuse her ,also feel tomorrow come to her to sit, drink a few cups of wine is No .
Road : Rui Yan girl ,I never mean that ,if you don think I bother ,so me tomorrow if nothing else, will come . , relationresultRui Yanthat face lit up, said: so good ,tomorrow Rui Yan must wait here for adults visit . Related articles:

