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Of say.
"!!Is the teacher serious,beats dr dre?"I a little bit dare not believe my own ear, oneself finally can return to unrestrained bull pen, oneself dreams of of that day of finally came, oneself was finally free ……just come I was each the approach on this day is in the in hopes of, can be this innocent is coming, in my heart but many one silk was difficult to express of lose.
"That is certainly ……" the beautiful friendship is very affirmative of say.
"Teacher, you can't because I did this morning of'beautiful dream'but rushed through me to leave??"My wretchedness cherishes of way.Make reference to'beautiful dream'of matter, I don't say O.K., a say under the beautiful friendship right away think of just of that kisses, hence the noodles is expressionless small to blush one, angry of roar to me:"If you lifted this morning's business again me to kill you ……"
"………… I knew ……" is under the beautiful friendship,such as the roars of Tyrannosaurus, I repeatedly nod of picked up package to be defeated and flee ……
"Beautiful friendship, isn't your doing like this very all right??"Ring out in gracefully after death a beautiful voice at this time ……
"What not good?"Beautiful Ya Hui Shen looking at fairy Di to ask a way.
"That you later room who sweep?Want me to come?"Intentionally the fairy Di bitterness wears a face to be like an aggrieved little daughter-in-law.
"I this be still for the sake of you?Fairy Di, you have to know the person whom you have already had fiance ……I feel that your idea should put on your fiance.But isn't the another man's body up ……"the beautiful graceful bitter in taste old woman heart persuade.
"!!"Fairy Di silly eye, she had never thought the always careless beautiful friendship to incredibly see their ambiguous relations ……surprised remaining she begs for a way again:"Is strange, the beautiful friendship when becomes so with quiet attention ah?Still saying her is certain and then notices very much'he'of each and every move?!Ha ha~~~"
The fairy Di is surprised hang a to put on smiling of craftiness on the face, smile let beautiful friendship whole body uneasiness, the fairy Di at every step approaches to let she involuntarily retreated one-step, then shiver of say:"You you ……do you want to do what?"
The fairy Di rounded her after death to blow in her ear of say:"Beautiful friendship you is not is jealous?"
"Shi ……what?I ……am I jealous?!Joke ……I am afraid that you let again you that son misunderstanding, when the time comes again want to seek me to cry about ……"the beautiful friendship raised tone to try to encourage for I.
"Have no?That do you call so loudly and why?Can't be have guilty conscience~~~~"The fairy Di smiles a way.
"I ……I which have?Hum~~~~At enmity with you said and anyway said to is also a white to say.Still having me can tell you fairy Di.The right bower is pity ……I don't want to come to break us because of a men severals'good friend'of feelings of."The beautiful friendship heavily said'good friend'these three words want to lend this to come to remind fairy Di'friend's man, can not deceit'of truth.Say then keep straight of the dynasty stairs walk to don't let the fairy Di see the facial expression on her face.
"But you so hard fill the right bower to pity, do you have the viewpoint to once think the pity feeling and her?"The fairy Di calls the beautiful friendship say.
The beautiful friendship stopped a step, didn't turn round, the back towardsed fairy Di to say:"I understand your meaning, pity probably thought is stubborn to order, but I believe firmly me to definitely have the way lets pity is together with right bower of ……regardless what way I will try.Because she is mine'good friend'……"say beautiful friendship then go upstairs, hall inside leave fairy Di.
The fairy Di looking at the beautiful friendship exclamation way is in the figure heart turning Cape place disappearance:"Is alas~~~beautiful friendship~~~~Beautiful friendship this is your expression to the love method?Be hard to fill to own good friend the man whom oneself like ……probably is that I am too selfish, beautiful friendship do you know?Is that you make me know that I is so selfish!!"
Feel vexed in the fairy Di in the hall, can return to the beautiful friendship of oneself room empress more vexed, she really regrets to say so impulsive words to the fairy Di.Did her in the mind want to want to discover that she in fact has never entitled to say fairy Di, is oneself not also similar?Fall in love with the man of oneself good friend ……then she thinks of fairy Di to say again words that she feel jealous.She again not from of in mind ask she:"Do I really feel jealous?Not!Can't of ……what I like is that person be not?Is impossible ……oh~~~~Let I feel vexed of how is all my good friend's man~~~~"The beautiful friendship feels vexed of grasp own of'3,000 annoyed silks'groan ……
"Is old four, congratulate~~~~Congratulate you finally break out of tiger's den, break out of cage, returned to our nearby ……"after I returned to dormitory, at I to at present of these three different clan surname brotherses spoke beautiful Ya Fang, after I came back, Kevin the first came forward to embrace me to say all of a sudden.
Although from the typeface of his words he be like in the congratulations, more meanings that is an interest disaster to enjoy a disaster that I hear in his tone ……
"Tell the truth.Kevin ……you are to be not smiling me finally be expeled come,cheap dr dre beats?"I ask way to Kevin very seriously.
And Kevin also laid up his/her own smiling face to say very seriously:"Is old four, in fact we don't want to fool you as well ……but we really is ……think so of ha ha~~~~"After finishing saying Kevin jumped an one step to return to 3 people behind in.Then 3 people laugh wildly ……
"You didn't want too ……" I am black a face to sink a voice to say.See me really get angry 3 people stop laughter right away, Kevin says first:"Oh~~~~Is old four, don't be so earnest~~~~Open a fun just ……"
"Ha ha~~~~Be be ……"2 people attach and way.
"……" I didn't talk, staring at of just a strength they.
"Is old four, don't so~~~~In fact leaving a nothing important there can't okay,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com, do you say to right?"The dynasty 2 people of Kevin made an expression of eyes,
The Si diagram says right away:"Be~~~~This you not more free?Want back much and late and then much and late come back.No one again you ……"
"Still have you any further need not be seen as the free labor so, be ordered to point go to of ordered ……" Kevin again way.
"Most important of BE!!"The end cloth thunder hands layer after layer of press on my shoulder ……"we' Ma Lai Si's swordsmanses' again together ha ha~~~"
"……" Hears the name of this idiocy me more the feeling have no dint, then soft lie prone of pour at bed up.
"Feed~~~~Is old four, don't be not so happy not very good?We make you know tonight what man of happy ……"Kevin's face up present at the same time a put on smiling of Gui Zha.
"Kevin, you are to say that we return tonight?"The Si figure shape with expectant look.
"Xi Xi~~~~"The cloth thunder Yin smiles.
Somehow or other"……" facial expression on their face makes me ill at ease.
"What do you prepare and do?"I ask a way.
"Xi Xi~~~~You knew tonight ……"3 people unanimous opinion's saying a words a slip away running of He.The time that originally has a class arrive also no wonder that they will run so quickly, the spinster isn't a good company with of lord.They ran.Inside the bedroom left a face misgiving of I, don't know will have tonight what'surprised'pleased is waiting oneself ……
"Is blessing isn't a disaster, is a disaster to hide however!!"Is a night, after once using dinner, all refused by unwell body at the various females and I together the Du good night is after.I alone walk at this time the path of dormitory feel deeply about.
However make me glad is before I arrive at a bedroom door discover there being no light in bedroom!!Think at me they already absence ……the door be opened!!Cloth thunder 3 people are dressed in the black strength of the same style to pack to appear in my in front.
"Oh~~~~Is old four, you still really punctually!!We just a prepared set out you come back ……"the cloth thunder said.
"Can't so'have good luck'~~~~"I decadently think a way.
"Walk walk~~~ Related articles:

