
cheap beats by dre Powder eye of

To do so, but at the end of law is not God to tell the truth to nature .relationresultAt the end of thislaw eye of God is conceived by God ,God itself is equivalent to an avatar ,and God has the same ability, of course ,and the tree have the same thought .
This tree is the pillar of the mainland ,supporting the gods mainland ,so the nature is not able to move ,but is always standing there ,always Guardian gods continent ,so God is bred at the end of the law of God eyes .
relationresultJustbecause the constraints ,powder eye of God also can not be separated from the tree to the wide world travel ,only to the human God to leave .Originally God wants his this powder eye of God in that big ,Yang winds ,but large ,Yang Feng has said Motong ,so his mind is naturally without success ,and now finally is to hole jade ,so I don ,God let their end method eye of God be recognize hole jade mainly ,of course ,this matter ,Kong Yu did not know .
relationresultBut evenKong Yu knew but also on the law of God at the end of eye pose no threat and harm ,because the hole jade strength now doesn to end of eye and method of match .relationresult , relationresultChapter 855th hole Yudu (two ) .
relationresultGodconceived powder eye that looks ,just think some day in the future to make at the end of this method in God out ,can go to the wider world to see it, after all, always stand there is too boring ,too unacceptable ,even if it is a tree ,also can .
The other is as a tree, standing there waiting ,waiting for prey ,it is so hard ,and let God at the end of eye recognition is the main method ,then the future will be through the powder eye of God went hunting ,which is also a main purpose of god .
relationresultOf course,such a thing ,powder eye of God nature is not said to Kong Yu ,but Kong Yu is now on the powder eye of God feel helpless ,listen to the law of God at the end of your eyes ,the powder eye of God said , OK ,so ,I can give you provide the food, but it is within my ability ,if I can ,you can force me .
This matter must begin with powder eye of God say clearly ,otherwise ,will meet what end method eye of God like food ,let yourself go to capture ,then Kong Yu will suffer .relationresultWell, well,cheap beats by dre, the adults are very good good, I think you hurt, to ,the adults to treat you .
Powder eye of God listened to Kong Yu words in my heart burst out laughing, and quickly put on a good face ,Kong Yu is very concerned about it .With the end of the law of God eyes say ,shares mysterious yellow mother gas is tree from the sky to the extraction over the universe ,toward Kong Yu was over, Kong Yu will be wrapped in .
relationresultKong Yu wascast out of it becomes extremely weak ,and later by the tree to stopped ,hit the body must be broken ,as is the need to restore the mysterious yellow mother gas .
It is finally obtained the mysterious yellow mother gas ,is also not many ,quickly absorbed ,restore their strength and physical injury ,also do not know how long time ,hole jade flesh injury finally is restored .
relationresult,since you have recovered ,we can quickly get out of here, the adults can . When Kong Yu returned to his law ,at the end of eye of God is immediately to Kong Yu make a hullabaloo about it ,and with the eye of God at the end of law fell after the end ,from the law of God eyes is emitting a white light ,wrapped around Kong Yu ,just a blink of an eye ,is to Kong Yu from God top to the Yin and Yang temple .
relationresultIn the process,Kong Yu has no reaction ,just feel his body through flash, is so far away, this makes Kong Yu heart is thrown the tempestuous waves ,sigh at the end of this law eye of God is really powerful, was able to have this kind of magic, it seems their later is really should take to the law of God to end of eye ,from where he get some magical powers to .
relationresultFinallyis safe back to the Yin and Yang in the temple ,Kong Yu looked up at the Yin and Yang inside the temple of God ,this experience is really strange ,how he is not thought to a tree top, was brought back a powder eye of God ,and that the results do not know good is bad ,but now Kong Yu is not so much, he is now only thought is to practice as soon as possible ,increase their own strength ,only strength is the guarantee its own security is essential, so back to the Yin and Yang Temple ,Kong Yu ,begun closed-door practice up .
relationresultTimegoes by so fast, blink of an eye for one thousand years for a long time this past ,in this one thousand years, I and other six world Saint lit soul Shenhuo ,respect road and Mozun is also lit soul Shenhuo ,other people are also not lit soul Shenhuo ,but is also the strength in ,but their achievements are inferior to Kong Yu ,in the one thousand years of hard practice ,hole jade finally reached through the realm of the God .
relationresultBecause thetree top back end method end eye of God ,through God and God by eye contact between Kong Yu ,made from tree drawing black yellow mother gas becomes very easy, but even so ,Kong Yu was practiced for thousands of years ,ceaseless daily absorption black yellow mother gas ,condensation and expansion of its five lines of soul fire ,making the five soul fire was finally reached to ferry disaster degree of god .
relationresultSlowly from thepractice in the state out of retirement ,Kong Yu immediately heard powder eye of God a loud roar , idiot ,fool ,you are a pig ,practiced one thousand years to reach this level ,say you are a pig is in boast you ,how do you not stupid death ? Again and again the giant roared on Kong Yu knowledge of ocean space echoed by Kong Yu ,but the automatic filtration ,oblivious to the end of the law of God eye roars .
relationresultBecause in the one thousandyears, Kong Yu has not know myself many times so ,even Kong Yu did not know at the end of this law eye of God than why must hurry to leave the continent ,but Kong Yu doesn go around at the end of the law of God eye roars ,heart of cultivation ,during the past one thousand years ,been trained can automatically shield at the end of the law of God eye ability ,and at the end of the law of God eye roars hole Yutai stupid ,but in practice when Kong Yu is automatically shut down ,and will take the initiative for the Kong Yucong tree drawing black yellow mother gas ,help Kong Yu practice, of course, that powder eye of God do so naturally is to let Kong Yu become a little faster training speed .
relationresultSlowlyrose ,hole Yushen a stretch ,this is Kong Yu the longest time ,but it is also very worthy, because now he has achieved through God .Realm, so long as he crossed the God robbery, then can have the mainland space limits the strength of tear there is also ,like Yang Feng ,can leave the mainland ,to the wider world to travel .
relationresultIn thisthe continent ,Kong Yu is now without any opponent ,in this millennium, Kong Yu and respect Road ,Mozun ,I and others are met ,and have achieved the victory .It also made Kong Yu want to the wider world and wandered the idea ,after all, the invincible too long is also lonely ah .
relationresultAlthough thehole to be God .Yuda crossing point ,but Kong Yu did not heed the powder eye of God to spend God .God is not so easy ,after all, rob cross ,must make good preparations, only can do no danger of anything going wrong ,Kong Yu will go for God . Related articles:

