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There, so the share interests, Yaozu - apparently prevailed ,and Malay - a faces is very awkward .relationresultAll of our Lord ,the group recognition ,in the Terran war ,you Yaozu white spoon is a great strength, but not our Malay friars as internal words ,you can not be so soon to end the war ?The results of your evil spirit race just gave us the Malay Wu Ling continent 1/10 white spoon territory ,this is it right? A little too ? Gold Shengzun who listened to the partition plan all forces after hot under the collar ,he retorted .
relationresultGive you to get 1/10 the site has been a BM adults is mercy ,do you want to talk to the same witch family ,are we not to destroy evil spirit race ? Gold Shengzun white spoon just off the start ,all white spoon a Yaozu - he snapped at road .
relationresultHearing thename Yaozu - bully discourse ,lone white spoon ten Malay - excited all stood up ,gold Shengzun person is more gas body shivering .relationresultAsk a tiger for its skin.
Ask a tiger for its skin o ,today we regret having done sth. ,Malay Army invasion of Wu Ling mainland alone is not better, why tax one to break the evil boundary with Wu Ling the mainland between the enchantment ,and fully cooperate with your occupation of Wu Ling continent ? Gold Shengzun are pointing to the Beastmaster ,face is full of regret look .
relationresultGold Shengzun ,do you are forced the king to kill you ? The lion see gold Shengzun resentment eyes ,she was a cold ,harsh rebuke road .relationresultThe king? A Rattus little girl dare call the king ,is really expose oneself to ridicule ,not so-called ! All just to release the gold Shengzun person ,ready to give gold Shengzun a Xiama Wei ,lone suddenly have a figure ,this one shadow just appeared, to all export impertinent ,had entirely Beastmaster on eyes .
relationresultThe ! , relationresultBold ,who you are ,why ran the meeting hall ,quickly roll out ! , relationresultDare to our king irreverent ,you tired of life ? , relationresultTo see a strangerdare mock elections, lone white spoon dozens of Lich King not by one ,they pointed to the stranger ,the harsh rebuke road .
relationresultJustgold Shengzun person et al to see this suddenly person ,they are a face go wild with joy to look ,too excited to say a word .relationresultA group of ants ,for the king to roar ,go to hell ! Pluto see Yaozu - a white spoon like make threatening gestures ,his brows, eyes toward those Yaozu - swept past .
relationresultJust to hearthe of bang a muffled ,who is Pluto eyes swept the demon clan God ,not by the explosive body .relationresultContinuousdied more than a dozen demon gods queen ,lone finally quiet down ,who just about the most powerful white spoon Yaozu - a soft body ,one by one to hide under the table ,and Pluto lips parted ,eyes are full of fear to look .
relationresultWelcome back to hades ,www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com! See Pluto glance toward her ,gold Shengzun person et al on face while shouting ,a worship .relationresultPluto ?You are a thousand years ago .
One of four fortune God Pluto ?You are not in the thousands of years ago the catastrophe has fallen away ,would be presented in here ? Hear the golden Shengzun person et al on Pluto call ,all from the eyes rounded ,can asked .
relationresultWho says the king fall ?The king has always been God domain test space out ,simply because the processing of a recent event ,delayed a few months time ,otherwise the words of the king and the three peak white spoon and nearly 100 realm - Malay - Army, also get round your evil spirit race here in the backseat driver ? Pluto sideways at Lions Eye ,said with disdain .
relationresultThe threepeak of God ?Nearly 100 - Army? Pick out the mouth at Pluto digital ,Beastmaster as lightning .relationresultLightis a Pluto will make evil spirit race to cope with the army ,did not think of Pluto in God domain test space also has a strong white spoon Malay - Army, that is not to say the monster group army which months do white spoon all became the marriage clothes ,totally cheap witch family ?Think of here ,the lion mouth smiled a bitter .
relationresultIf I remember correctly the words ,you are in those days Luo - side white spoon girl thousands of rain ?I never thought that he had put the beast House passed to you, do not know he is on your training talent ,or see your beauty .
.. ... Pluto eyes in the lion who spun around ,finally the rapist eyes look .relationresultPredecessors ,please self-respect ! The lion feel Pluto hot white spoon eyes ,her heart out of her ,not by loudly scolded .
relationresultoutside the hall, they heard you on Wu Ling mainland forces white spoon share scheme ,the king thought according to the ratio of nine to one ratio between white spoon is very good ,but the family occupied 9/10 of the Terran sites ,and the evil spirit race can only occupy 1/10 of the Terran to disc ,also, you have to give the king who sleep ,how? See the way she Hades beast ,his face becomes more exciting .
relationresultThe old do not respect ,living in this world also was sneered at ,why don ! Pluto words just off ,a crisp white spoon in the lone voice sounded, but king side white.
A red skirt girl speak .relationresultHave a death wish.See a little dare curse myself ,Pluto ,and a knowledge of God and of the past .relationresultChildren show mercy ,not sensible ,Pluto adults don ! See Pluto eyes white spoon infinite the Beastmaster ,dead rising greatly ,she did not hesitate to use the body to the daughter to behind me ,loudly pleaded .
relationresultTo get her to stay white spoon life nor is it can not ,you only have to promise the king just white spoon ,how? Pluto eye rotation ,face to smile ,he gave the king nodded .
relationresultPlease adults give his concubine in consideration to the hour ,can ? In the face of overbearing white spoon Hades ,king had not the slightest revolt, but with great care to pleaded .
relationresultThree days ,I can give you three days to consider the time . Pluto has several respiratory white spoon at all time, he muttered .relationresultGod domaintry space, almost Pluto escape God domain practice space .
At the same time ,Qin Tianzong on white spoon ,so also broke out dazzling white. Light ,a devastating the energy from the hills to the cupola and is inhibited for a long time ,Qin Tianzong white spoon ,make finally activated again ,this time ,the Qin days if is to suppress all silenced .
relationresultHillsmake abnormal white spoon moment ,the God domain test space becomes fall ,Styx into a long line, directly to where Qin Tianzong direction ,is God domain space mountain white spoon River also seemed a life in general, all to the Qin days if .
relationresultWe quickly leave ,Styx and mountain river goal is just my hands white spoon ,make only, and will not harm you ! See the big difficulty comes, Jin Lingfei and three of the South China Sea Ji et al are gone ,but the choice to fight side by side, his heart was touched by it ,not by shouted: these forces cannot harm to me ,will only let my strength to strive for further improvement ,we need not worry ! , relationresult(to be continued ) , relationresultThe 530th chapter devoid of gratitude , relationresultQindays if the words just off ,he body was Styx into white.
The Dragon swallowed ,then God domain test space within the White Mountains special spoon city up ,completely obscures the Qin days if the trace, also put out ,make white spoon that horrible breath to bury live in . Related articles:

