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Now ,the situation may have no small change .relationresultYou will do a lot of things ,but the situation is afraid won have too big change .Either kept house or Zhu Yuan palace ,are not allies forces .
They combined together ,solid phase is not his problem . The wolf God sighed .relationresultQingyangWorld War, although we all know in Anfeng led a gang ,but the real significance of breach of the unspoken rule ,just Feng is a person .
Well the reason China Zhu et al be punitive ,apparently did not have enough components .Plus China Zhu Road et al have ingrained influence, also has many allies ,want to organize against their team, is not very realistic .
relationresultIn fact,Zhu Yuanyu the monk alliance establishment, is an Feng Gang cope with situation of a move .In the monk after alliance holds water ,other Terran Lian virtual order master lost against Mao Yuan Palace grounds .
relationresultAfter all,both union, can not because of a not very coherent mixing virtual Friar death ,and the crusade is one of their own road Hua Zhu Hua Zhu Road ,after all in this battle, only a dozen people .
As for the demon clan master here ,is not possible .Once shot, I will be upgraded to two group contradiction shemale above, this risk is not dare to take .relationresultAndFeng disappeared ,for other smelting virtual order monk is also a kind of invisible deterrence .
Although not Anfeng as ,or even eradicate Anfeng ideas ,but now the Anfeng in all refine the imaginary order monk is a very important presence .Everyone knows that Feng will become very strong, but strong to what extent it is unknown .
Well by this time ,may was Anfeng revenge ,not all people are willing to take the risk .relationresultSo we can only wait ? Yuan Futong asked some unwilling .See Anfeng step by step forward ,Yuan Futong heart is also increasing pressure .
Find themselves on the Anfeng actions are completely incapable of action when, Yuan Futong always had a sense of powerlessness .relationresultFuk ,your heart some chaotic . The wolf God watched Yuan Futong after a light saying .
relationresultYour task is toenhance their own strength ,make their own as soon as possible strong .For you, Anfeng progress since can it can only rely on themselves to accelerate the promotion of balance .
If you simply concentrate on stop Anfeng above, I fall behind .As for how to deal with the matter, we are old ,for your delay some years should be no problem . See Yuan Futong face is confused ,the wolf God solemnly said .
For Yuan Futong and Feng relationship, the wolf God already knows .Since the selected Yuan Futong as one of his allies ,then God wolf nature wants Yuan Futong to get strong, especially Anfeng has revealed beyond the wolf God strength and potential ,the wolf God and others cannot stop Feng ,Yuan Futong this potential ,becomes more important .
relationresultThe younger generation to understand .Thanks to remind ! Yuan Futong looked down ,solemnly replied .A series of news of Yuan Futong ,it has caused great impact .Especially when the wolf God admits future Anfeng will go beyond the most refined virtual monk ,be it difficult for other people to judge the existence of Yuan Futong state of mind ,more unbalance, an idea how to use the means of balancing Anfeng ,and forgot the very basic things .
relationresultAfterthe wolf God reminds ,Yuan Futong soon realized his mistake .No matter how strong the Feng ,want the real threat to the wolf god evil spirit race mixing virtual order master ,or have a lot of work to do to prepare .
To do these things ,must spend a lot of time .That is to say ,in a fairly long period of time ,both sides were also less likely to real conflict .Now in order to limit the Anfeng promotion rack one in some big deal ,but Yuan Futong is not a false order monk should do .
Such a thing ,should be the wolf God and other refined virtual order monk to discuss, decide ,Yuan Futong needs to do, it was during this time ,try to enhance their strength .Only Yuan Futong truly advanced refining virtual ,can give your allies to substantive support .
relationresultYou know it . Lang nodded ,smiled and said .relationresultBut the problem before I still want to ask ,www.cheapbeatsbydrdreheadset.com.Predecessors the Anfeng exit ,about to reach what kind of strength ? Yuan Futong solemnly asked .
Although had been aware of his problems ,but Yuan Futong still wanted to own a prediction of future .Only in this way ,Yuan Futong can really painstaking practice .relationresultIf nothing else ,he should have one against two does not fall ahull .
Single war of words ,there may be serious opponent just negative injuries . The wolf God grave replied .Although their work not go forward, but the inside is about the higher order monk strength records .
relationresultIf the siege ? Yuan Futong asked .relationresultFive following can escape .God replied ,wolf .relationresultThe younger generation to understand . Yuan Futong was a dark ,some said with resignation .
Now, want to deal with Feng can only use the multiplayer siege .But if the five laid siege to Fengdu to escape, you want to use other hands hang Feng has no hope .Because even the demon race here ,want a gathering of more than five chain virtual master force laid siege to a person ,it is almost impossible ,and between the trust itself is a problem .
relationresulttbe discouraged .Your qualifications are not than Feng ,now need is time .And Feng opponent not just us even if we restrict the hands and feet, and others . The wolf God out of a jade Jane ,to Yuan Futong ,at the same time the subtle said: so you back at practice, other things to us as well .
, relationresultThanks ,the younger generation will not let elder . Take jade Jane, Yuan Futong slightly bent ,solemnly said .Then no longer stay directly into the void ,leaving Sirius mountain .
relationresultThis is the An Feng selected the little guy ?Seems very nice ?Aren future he is another Feng ? After Yuan Futong left, a black shadow appears in the wolf God ,very casual tone on the wolf God said .
relationresultI is that he does not grow to Feng height !How? The emperor was now to the empty order friar start level ? The wolf God light response .Eye shadow is not others ,is the true soul your master split soul demon emperor Zhu Yuanyu big butt .
relationresultOh ,if I really work on him ,what will you do ?Stop me ?Or look at my hands ? Split soul demon emperor did not care much about the wolf God of satire ,but still very calm and asked .
relationresultIf the devil king must start work ,I did not stop . The wolf God light saying .relationresultOh?This is your ally attitude ?Ought to let the little guy come to listen . Split soul demon emperor mouth slightly tilted ,the irony of said .
relationresultHe is here, I say so .Feng has made it clear to his sanctuary ,have no one dared to bear on him a great pressure .He is obviously a under pressure to the rapid growth of the man you shot him ,but is also a good way to promote him to grow .
After all, Anfeng there constantly upgrade ,only door penance ,Yuan Futong is not an abundance of speed . The wolf God calmly replied .relationresultYou treat him so confident? You are not afraid of me real ,really took him out? You know, get rid of him not only absolutely Anfeng thoughts ,is the reduced Zhu Yuanyu a future post this for me ,is a very good thing ah ! Split soul demon emperor laughed and said . Related articles:

