
Beats By Dr Dre Solo ially quickly tow

Half life ,the assassin not crit ,a short period of time is unable to Zhou Xiaorou to threaten ,let fake like running around to help Zhou Xiaorou ,Beats By Dr Dre Solo,himself to fall runs .relationresultWaterball ! , relationresultDrainagemaster twenty steps or only a water polo ,but waterball instant cast ,the cooling time is short ,in addition to attack low, is a very useful skill .
relationresultLess than twometers distance ,from the assassins sent behind the magic ,the assassin is hiding nothing to hide ,waterball diameter direct in the attack on the assassin .
relationresult- 1000!relationresultA purpledamage from assassin body there ,he unfortunately is a crit ,on the spot by seckill !Xiao Hua see, immediately stopped ,towards another assassin ran .
relationresultA series ofthings that happened in a flash, the other side of the assassins attack be hardly worthy of belief as Zhou Xiaorou in lost 1600 HP still has nearly half of HP ,just react, but see the companion is not missed ,also be seckill out ,can large earthquake ,especially when Xiao Hua didn using the skills ,one becomes two, he gathered ,feel this is a very simple team, immediately turned back on again ,want to run away .
relationresultAs long as hetemporarily from three people to escape, is everything all right ,even if it is convinced that this three people ,to let him join the team through copy is not possible .
relationresultHey ,also want to escape ! Xiao Hua hearts sneer ,controls the false image into stealth, speed instant promotes substantially, quickly toward the assassin ran after him .
relationresultWhilewandering and grunted coldly ,continuous use of four times the transported man ,assassins escape is just seven or eight meters ,falling to him five meters ,and is a water polo at the past operation .
relationresult- 300!relationresultWater polo:suddenly destroying the assassin nearly half of the HP ,the assassin is be frightened and change color ,just want to drink the medicine continue to flee ,he went around suddenly there was a loud explosion !relationresult- 500!relationresultThis is Xiao Huasee it ,let go to the assassin side false self ,the assassin has time to drink the medicine ,is blown back to the resurrection point .
relationresultA woman dressed in awhite robe in the Rev MM is hurried over, receiving a two assassin start command, she came running ,intended to help ,but did not expect to happen to see second assassins were killed as the white light scene ,not terrified by the in situ stopped ,then pay attention to team has she left one person .
relationresultDon me, I was against them to kill you . Watching three people gathered ,the Rev. MM know her a spirit pastor ,in any case is from a mage and agile lines occupation hands .
The Rev. MM pathetic said to Xiao Hua ,she saw that Xiao Hua should be this one male and two female words .relationresultShesustained is sort of beauty ,as long as Xiao Hua a little harbor evil intentions ,then she will have the confidence to make Xiao Hua leave her !relationresultXiaoZheng Hua to fearless of death for a just cause that how he may be her only beauty temptation and let her fall ,but glared at him ,let him suddenly swallowed back into the stomach .
relationresultLittle sister ,many-year-old this year ? A stepping lightsome pace walked past, cheerfully asked .relationresult18.The Rev. MM see a three in position seems to be very low ,very honest answer .
relationresultOnly 18 years old ,it grows so well liked ,but little sister after only the sky is the limit . Falling or xiaojinjin said .Speak, my palms in the Reverend MM cheek gently touched the ,pastor MM heart immediately referred to the throat ,she looked at her wandering ,always feel she is the one that is vicious queen on snow white .
relationresultOh ,general . The Rev. MM not free, can only be very upset . .relationresultYou will never have her good-looking ? Homelessness has pulled Zhou Xiaorou ,pushed to the priest in front of MM ,pat Zhou Xiaorou small waist ,let Zhou Xiaorou be overcome by one chest A ,perfect body curve appears to be even more extraordinary courage !Just a poor stood watching Xiao Hua students .
relationresultThis is nota bully ?The Rev. MM at Zhou Xiaorou this almost goddess appearance ,and the extraordinary makes her feel ashamed of one ,temperament ,feel very aggrieved .relationresultHatehate hope wandering eye ,the Rev.
MM know .Never let her ,stay ,estimates do not know is how humiliated .A bite, pastor MM choice forced out of copy .relationresultTalk to me, how not to speak ? See the MM for not speaking, wandering in the Rev.
MM face touched a ,see she was without any action ,will know she is forcibly from the copy .relationresultOn thethought of killing them all ,wasn just let her escape ,immediately a waterball broke the past .
Waterball fell to the Reverend MM body, minus the hundreds of HP ,but didn kill her ,let her successful escape .relationresultAregret to sigh ,turned around ,suddenly found that Zhou Xiaorou and Xiao Hua are a little weird looking at her .
relationresultHow.A strange and asked .relationresultThis woman,later must have become tiger potential !Xiao Hua shouted in mind ,let him fear is, the woman is not even a little more aware ,but the show come very naturally ,so let him out !relationresultNo ,no ,let .
Xiao Hua very reluctantly smile answered ,Zhou Xiaorou is silent .relationresultGood !Forward. Wandering without thinking, just a good mood swings his hand agreed .relationresult-- ---- , relationresultSecondmore ,and Monday, and recommended .
There are more than 160 essence to essence ,the students do not waste ,each only three or four posts are never mind ,never more than five .relationresultThank you fora tiger ( 688) ,ignorance of you and I ( 588) ,no electricity ,DEATH - �� ,flowers and drunk, random drift and other readers rewards support !!relationresultEighty-third chapters battle girl , relationresultThe wayit through the woods, the front finally is the emergence of a path ,the road was full of weeds ,but along ,should be able to arrive at the monastery .
relationresultWalk along the pathof the 100 meters, three eyes suddenly appeared a strange flowers !In the path of the left and right sides of ,respectively, is a person of high sunflowers ,but with the common sunflower is different, the path on the left side of the sunflower Tongti black ,from the root to a leaf to the disk ,is a piece of darkness a shiny black ;on the right side of the sunflower is the red color ,as a whole sunflower from top to bottom is extremely bright red dye sprayed in general ,blood red fresh !relationresultAbouttwo pieces of color differences of the sunflower disc stand facing each other ,facing the road ,as if to give tit for tat ,three people missing, all is not to stop .
relationresultYou say that we go to the middle of the road ,these strange sunflower would suddenly run out from the land of attacked us ? Zhou Xiaorou is obviously much more novels ,is rich in imagination .
relationresult,right is called a variation in sunflower plants . Xiao Hua has been to the right of the tree red sunflower took an identification technique, obtained the sunflower .relationresultThe left is called the variability of sunflower ,how is this going ? Wandering at the left sunflower identified ,found on both sides of a different color name turned out to be exactly the same .
relationresultThere may be some things ,you have a look to the left ,I . So blatant two pieces of contrasting colors sunflower field ,could not be observed carefully check once .relationresultThree people respectivelyto two flower field . Related articles:

