
Beats By Dr Dre Studio Xiao Hua though

A guild wanted goal ! Xiao Hua added .relationresultThis I thought .In fact ,to ambush the God L popular president ,just feel out of breath anyway ,as violence not storm equipment ,I actually do not have greatly hope ,just want to kill them one at a time .
As far as they wanted objective things, and I now have is that they wanted a target . Unique war again smile ,will really thought out .relationresultJust yesterday,he met a past acquaintance ,but this one is now in a guild ,transport from the guild in eighteen boasted eighteen hear touch ,touch and kamikaze guild president in reality is acquaintance ,eighteen touch by kamikaze chairman to the starry sky reflection pressure ,squeezing and matchless ,unique war before had to leave the sky line .
relationresultThe thiefis matchless heard this, of course is anger ,then came up with the president to ambush the kamikaze .But this program is only with his kite two people cannot be carried out ,only to find Xiao Hua to help .
The kamikaze guild wanted ,he is not afraid, he just gave it a Wuqi !Eighteen touch if face to kill him ,he was not so angry ,but was behind the count, he is how could not down !relationresultHey ,Beats By Dr Dre Studio,don ,but I think a more feasible method! with unique war about the card when the thing ,Xiao Hua a brainwave ,but there is still remembered as object hanging to !relationresultCamouflagecard !relationresultGood!That originally the frozen world used against falling camouflage card !Just take a fake card ,he can have the qO Wei above hold will kill dragon 60ss !relationresultThe specificmethod is very simple ,that is they will face and name masquerading as God popular union members, as long as there is no trading, no one can see through their true !In kamikaze guild thousands of people group after the death ,they appear again ,pointed out that the Dragon 60sS does not restore the HP ,let the sand bumps against dragon BOsS ,prior to on the 60ss attack! Disruption ,even if some people see the sand lump of doubt, in the dying dragon 60ss temptation, one thirty will never be checked their true identity !relationresultAfter the thingis much simpler - Kamikaze ,guild of that portion of the remaining was left to prepare for the picking equipment reserve game player ,see the dragon in this state ,are sure to fling caution to the winds the attack !In two hundred or three hundred game player helped with the attack, he and unique war ,not thinking of Miao drop dragon ,just be careful guarantee not to be dragon attack, when there is not much left.
Dragon HP ,along with the final attack ,the use of anger the skies and ultimate force ,one will be dragon 60ss struck on the line !relationresultKamikazeguild mission after the death of the dragon ,the output will be calculated again ,their first attack team ,also should be the maximum output ,if no accident ,dragon drop items must be their !relationresultHa ha ,you guys !I admire you! war is matchless ten to hear Feng Xiaohua detailed plans , relationresultRow,suddenly excited, this plan than he that midway ambush plan much stronger !relationresultis the camouflage card ,I remember this thing is also very difficult to proceed with .
Xiao Hua thought of pseudo , relationresultCardis very uncommon cards ,in a short period of time to collect three pieces, is very difficult .relationresultThis ,I can get ,but the price will be your point ,I contacted the people ,to 39 in case a .
I have only one ru . Kite NN always does ,set the Thames a great coup ,Xiao Hua heard in the plan, she immediately contacted an acquaintance ,and get the answer in the affirmative .relationresultSecondmore to recommend !relationresultThank youflowers large flower ( in ) ,endleAa .
E ( 88) ,hi de three classmates playing rewards .relationresultThe 216th chapter hand snatch , relationresultBrother,are you going to mark you casually mucking sharp ,until the lines ,a canine heart closed .
, relationresultSandtown a street ,war is matchless and Xiao Hua two portrait real punks ,squatting on the street, look from time to time the game player who floated across the street .
relationresultDetermine plancan be implemented .In order to ensure the maximum probability with the dragon, three people are on their own equipment and skills were introduced .To meet the attack .
Xiao Hua on the false like skill will no longer hide ,after all the Dragon poison .Or just like to do false .relationresultUnique warat the sight of Xiao Hua equipment and skills, is inevitably a surprise !The kite .
.. Not in ,unique war was finally could not resist, they ask .relationresultAlthoughtwo people have not yet how deeply, but war is matchless is vaguely aware of this guy Xiao Hua can be said to be with no ambition at all ,all will know with a good equipment and skills of bullying .
If he has the equipment and skills .You will have to make a storm .relationresultTouchhands on the vampire ring .Unique war heart suddenly had a surge of blood back to the impulse !Xiao Hua in order to ensure more success rate ,the ring also threw a unique war use .
This campaign is matchless attack once rose nearly sixty points !On this ring ,unique war is like ,just to kill the dragon, if no accident ,the spoils of money can make him pay off the rest of the fierce million .
Buy this ring is more than !relationresultWhat is mucking ah ,do you think I got this thing to do . Xiao Hua Khan was a ,he never think he has Hu before ,are very serious in the play of the game to say .
relationresultGang .Another way of saying that .Don in the game to create a project ?It seems. The reality of those experts temporarily take the virus no way ,we still have a very long period of time to be kept in the game cannot go out .
In the game a little success ,after the return to reason, real .How you say it can be less struggle a few years ? Unique war very seriously said own idea .relationresultI have two million deposit .
To see the unique war so seriously .Xiao Hua wanted to think ,feel a little guilty reply .relationresultTwo million what to do ,buy a set of common point house is gone !You never said you want to hire a house to live the rest of your life .
Even if you don ,your wife .Your children will not mind it .Say something ,if not careful with what disease ,in about a year .You two million have no . Unique war looked at Xiao Hua ,speechless and said .
Too long too misty ,not considered Xiao Hua sweat a little ashamed and said .relationresult,but also long-term ,you are not a small bar ,even these things never thought !* * * .Don say it ,say I also did not think much of !Did not convince you ,but so that their future was full of worry !Well, you think .
Do not say, they come ,pay attention to man ,you masquerading as left the assassin ,I am right soldier ! , relationresultThis street isunique war awareness of several kamikaze guild game player was about to pass .
He and Xiao Hua two people sitting in here ,is that several people through time .relationresultCamouflagecard can pretend to be his imagination about, of course .Want to use the male to female ,male or female is not allowed, also cannot be traded ,once the deal with people ,others will see you true game name .
relationresultSeveralkamikaze guild from two eyes through the game player .Xiao Hua squinted at last .Will he have to disguise assassin looks down in the head .Two camouflaged targets are after three people discuss to pick out, first is must be melee ,because far war, is likely to remain in the Dragon cordon ,likely in the guild League after the death of pastor .
There appear two .Look the same ,they don the twins ,such as second oolong .relationresultThe secondis the equipment is not too good game player ,the game player in the guild in general not too active . Related articles:

